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Released Today leverages the Spotify api to fetch your top artists new releases.

Don't miss a thing! 🎶



ReleasedToday uses Spotify to gather information about user's releases. To be able to access the user's account, you need to generate both the spotify_client_id and spotify_client_secret tokens.

To create those, you should visit Spotify's developer page and create a new app. Once you finished all steps you should be able to get both the Client ID and Client Secret.

There's one extra step, however. You should add the Redirect URIs to your app. Once you're on your Spotify app's page, click the edit settings button and add the URIs:

  • http://localhost:3000/users/auth/spotify/callback (development)
  • (production)

Environment variables

Generate the required .env file by running the following:

cp .env.example .env

Remember to update both the SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET variables from the step above.


Released today uses Docker and docker-compose, make sure you have both tools installed. Although you don't have to use Docker, I highly recommend it.

Build the images by running:

docker-compose build

This process can take a while, but you only need to run it once.

Here's the list of services docker-compose will build for you:

  • app: Rails 5.2 web application;
  • db: Postgres 9.6 database;
  • sidekiq: for background processing (used to fetch the user's releases);
  • redis: key/value database required by Sidekiq;


First, let's generate the configuration file from the template. The example file assumes you're going to use Docker.

cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

Create and migrate the database by running:

docker-compose run --rm app bin/rails db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare


Docker will setup Sidekiq for you, so you don't have to worry about it.

You can access Sidekiq's dashboard at /sidekiq. Remember, however, your user needs to be logged in and also be an administrator (User#admin? == true).

Starting the server

With everything in place, you just have to start all services by running:

docker-compose up

The app should be running at http://localhost:3000.

Fetching new releases

Just run the following: bundle exec rake releases:sync. It will trigger a background job that will fetch new releases for every artist in the database. Ideally, if you're running Released today in a server, you'd have a cron job doing that for you daily.


ReleasedToday uses RSpec and Rubocop for tests. You can run the full test suite with the default rake task:

docker-compose run --rm app ./bin/rake