This is a thrown Together Grants example, feedback apreciated
Contributor Belifes. We want to create a system where contiobutors can apply for a Compound grant. We want to enchorage research, development and creativity. Contributors should be payed a resonable fee to push the compound protocol forward. This shall be a fair and transparent Process.
The commitie will set up a small list of projects and research we would love to see, along with guesstimate rewards.
As much as possible of the voting and discussion will happen between Snapshot, Discord, and the Forum.
Financing: The amount requested: (15,000) COMP (renewed annually)
The current (7) Members are: (NOT FINAL) (I also DID NOT ask most of these people, so subject to chamge)
5 Community @massnomis @arr00 @tennisbowling @blck @getty @universe
2 Compound Team @rleshner @adamb
Current Projects and ideas the Grants team is looking to grant: Dai Market Risk @rleshner
Projects that are in the process of being granted: Governer Bravo Development: @arr00 (snapshot links) Comp.Vote @arr00 (Snapshot links)