Proffy is a online study platform.
In the time that we live now with social distance and quarantine,
schools and colleges had to stop. Proffy became a way out of this situation.
With the site, teachers can continue passing knowledge and students can continue learning.
How this work?
- Give classes: The teacher can present their available time, subject to teach, and the value per class/hour.
- To study: The student can look for the best day, time and subject to study.
Html + css
Html + css
Html + css + javascript
Node.js + Nunjucks + Nodemon
- Configuring the Nunjucks
- Starting the server
- Applying the routes
- Keeping data from front-end
- Server configuration
- Database creation and configuration
- test: SUCCESS!
- Install: Node.js | node_modules | Nodemon | Nunjucks | SQLite
- Node.js
- node_modules: Terminal [ npm install express ]
- Nodemon: Terminal [ npm install nodemon -D ]
- Nunjucks: Terminal [ npm install nunjucks ]
- SQLite: Terminal [ npm install sqlite-async ]
- Open the terminal and type "npm run dev"
- Now you can open the browser and type "http://localhost:5500/"
this project was a part of a free course offered by Rocketseat with classes by professor Mayk Brito , the ones I thank for the knowledge.