IoT Platform is a software to manage large scale deployment of IoT devices and to process big data generated by them. IoT platform is supported by E-Yantra (Government of India Program). This platform is being used across various engineering institutes including IIT Bombay.
- Chief Architect : Akshar Prabhu Desai
- Developers
- Siddhesh Prabhu
- Omkar Manjrekar
- Install Java JDK 8, MySQL and Gradle locally and set MySQL username and password to root/root
- Create db named "iot"
- Clone this github repository
- Inside the repository, type "gradle server:fatJar". This generates a .jar inside "./server/build/libs/" file which will create the server on your machine when executed
- Run the server with command "sudo java -jar ./server/build/libs/<name-of-jar-file>"
- In your browser, visit the url "". This will add required tables, and seed data to your iot database
- Visit url "" and login with "" and "1234567" as password
- In the table configset in the database, add five keys and their respective values
- awsKey
- awsSecret
- endpoint (iot endpoint unique to your AWS account)
- IoTRoleARN (role that grants iot access to dynamoDB and other services, requires additional settings) (optional for dynamoDB storage)
- lambdaCronArn (ARN of the lambda function that manages cron, requires additional settings) (optional for cron service)
- lambdaNotificationArn (ARN of the lambbda function that manages SNS notification settings)
- Change the CERT_ROOT under StringConstants class to point to the directory where you want to store thing certificates
Follow this link for additional AWS setup steps for optional services.