PoShLog.Sinks.Elasticsearch is an extension module for the PoShLog logging module. It contains a sink that publishes log messages to Elasticsearch.
To install PoShLog.Sinks.Elasticsearch, run the following snippet from Powershell:
Install-Module -Name PoShLog.Sinks.Elasticsearch -AllowPrerelease
Import-Module PoShLog
Import-Module PoShLog.Sinks.Elasticsearch
New-Logger |
Add-SinkElasticsearch `
-Uri 'http://elasticsearch:9200' `
-AutoRegisterTemplate `
-AutoRegisterTemplateVersion ESv7 `
-IndexFormat 'logstash' |
Add-SinkConsole |
Write-InformationLog "Hello {entity}!" -PropertyValues "World"
# Don't forget to close the logger
For more detailed documentation on PoShLog please check the PoShLog wiki.