powered by https://github.com/fatih/color
- specify tags directly in the formatting string;
- Support prinft/print/println;
- structure printing supported ;
- aqua
- black
- blue
- fuchsia
- gray
- green
- lime
- maroon
- navy
- olive
- purple
- red
- silver
- teal
- white
- yellow
- first char it is Color name(Red,Blue..)
- second char it is font weight slim\bold
- the tag "#" is escaped with a character "!" and printing as simple character (example "!#")
- first char it is background color transparent (another colors not implemented yet)
- fmc.Println(string)
- fmc.Printf(string, ...interface{})
- fmc.Printfln(string, ...interface{})
- fmc.Sprint(string) string
- fmc.PrintStruct(d interface{})
- fmc.SprintStruct(d interface{}) string
package main
import (
type DV struct {
Z, F string
type Date struct {
Key string
Value string
GR int
type Config struct {
Server struct {
Host string `json:"host"`
Port string `json:"port"`
} `json:"server"`
Postgres struct {
Host string `json:"host"`
User string `json:"user"`
Password string `json:"password"`
DB string `json:"db"`
} `json:"database"`
func main() {
fmc.Printf("#yst I#ybt love#bbt Go#gbt!\n")
fmc.Printf("#ybt I#rbt love#bbt Go#gbt!\n")
fmc.Printf("#ybt %s#rbt %s#bbt %s#gbt%s\n", "I", "love", "Go", "!")
fmc.Println("#ybt lol")
fmc.Printfln("#ybt %s", "I")
fmc.Println("#bbt Println")
#RRR1) #bst !#bst aqua #bbt !#bbt bold aqua
#RRR2) #0st !#0st black #0bt !#0bt bold black
#RRR3) #Bst !#Bst blue #Bbt !#Bbt bold blue
#RRR4) #fst !#fst fuchsia #fbt !#fbt bold fuchsia
#RRR5) #1st !#1st gray #1bt !#1bt bold gray
#RRR6) #Gst !#Gst green #Gbt !#Gbt bold green
#RRR7) #gst !#gst lime #gbt !#gbt bold lime
#RRR8) #mst !#mst maroon #mbt !#mbt bold maroon
#RRR9) #nst !#nst navy #nbt !#nbt bold navy
#RRR10) #ost !#ost olive #obt !#obt bold olive
#RRR11) #pst !#pst purple #pbt !#pbt bold purple
#RRR12) #rst !#rst red #rbt !#rbt bold red
#RRR13) #sst !#sst silver #sbt !#sbt bold silver
#RRR14) #tst !#tst teal #tbt !#tbt bold teal
#RRR15) #wst !#wst white #wbt !#wbt bold white
#RRR16) #yst !#yst yellow #ybt !#ybt bold yellow
#RRR17) #RRR !#RRR reset to default terminal font color
jsonConfig := []byte(`{
var config Config
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonConfig, &config)
if err != nil {