Deploy files to an FTP server using GitHub actions
Required FTP host.
Required FTP username.
Required FTP password.
Required The local folder to copy.
Required The remote folder.
Delete files not present in the local folder on the remote folder. Default "false"
Download only newer files. Using time as default, see ignore_time
option. Default "false"
Ignore time when deciding whether to download. Default "false"
If you set to "true"
the filesize will be used for deciding, this mean if you only change a typo in your document - without a change to the filesize - the file will be ignored.
Ignore file(s) and/or directorie(s).
Fill an array of regex. E.g. "'^logs/' '^'"
Disable SSL certificate verification. Default "true"
Optional, can be used to set raw string of flag(s) or option(s) for lftp eg. "--no-empty-dirs --ascii"
, you can refer to the official docs for the full list of available flags and options.
uses: kevinpainchaud/simple-ftp-deploy-action@v1.2.1
ftp_host: ${{ secrets.FTP_HOST }}
ftp_username: ${{ secrets.FTP_USERNAME }}
ftp_password: ${{ secrets.FTP_PASSWORD }}
local_source_dir: "dist"
dist_target_dir: "www/my-app"
delete: "true"
exclude: "'^logs/' '^'"