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This file contains the spec files used to create a Tizen RPM through gbs (Git Build System).

If you are looking to build a regular RPM for debian use, please check out the 'rpm' target of the top-level Makefile


Since the erlang build tool 'rebar' will download dependencies using git-https the GBS build environment will fail on two items:

Setting up GBS

The GBS build system can be setup as described here.

Setting up repositories

The RVI build generated by GBS has a self-contained erlang runtime system. This means that erlang does not have to be installed on the target machine.

However, during the build process an erlang RPM needs to be installed in the build environment. A tizen-targeted Erlang is available on github:

Pre-built RPMs are available under rvi_core/packaging/repo. This directory also contains all erlang RPM's necessary for the RVI build to complete. In order to have this repo pulled, the .gbs.conf in your home directory needs to be updated. Add the following repo at the bottom of the ````.gbs.conf file```:

# We still haven't determined the right repo to 
# store the RPM file in. Use alternative repo setup
# for now.

Update the repos line in .gbs.conf from

repos = repo.tizen_2.0


repos = repo.tizen_2.0,repo.erlang

Please note that your initial value of repos entry may differ.

Alternative set up of repositories

A suitable erlang RPM file is packaged as a part of RVI. This can be used instead of pulling the RPM from a repo, as describe above.

To use the RVI-packagederlang RPM file, add the following lines .gbs.conf:

url = /home/some_user/work/rvi/packaging/repo

Replace the /home/some_user/work/rvi with the path to the RVI root directory you are building in


Go to the top directory of RVI and execute:

gbs build -A i586

An RPM file will be generated at the end of the build which can be installed on a Tizen box. The RPM can be found at:



All erlang dependencies, residing in deps, are checked in with rvi_core in order to avoid having GBS and OBS to access the network to resolve them. If a new or updated module is to be included in deps, the following procedure can be used:

  1. Update rebar.config
    Edit rebar.config to include the correct version of the modules you need.

  2. Clear deps
    Delete the old deps with:

    rm -rf deps/*

  3. Retrieve new deps
    Use rebar to retrieve all modules listed in rebar.config.

    rebar get-deps

  4. Clean out git info from deps
    The checked out modules in deps are all their own repos. Clear the repo information.

    find deps -name .gitignore | xargs rm```
  5. Add all new files in deps to the rvi_core repo
    If any new files are added to deps by rebar get-deps above, they need to be added to the repo:

    git add deps/*

  6. Commit rvi_core
    Commit the updated deps directory to the repo:

    git commit -a -m "Updated deps/gsm to version x"