An extension to add Shipping carrier. This extension add "In-Store Pickup" shipping carrier. Several pickup locations can be configured with this shipping carrier.
This is one of a collection of examples to demonstrate the features of Magento 2. The intent of this sample is to demonstrate how to create own Shipping extension.
Carrier class implements CarrierInterface and represents a shipping carrier. Shipping carrier should have one or more shipping methods. Shipping method should have carrier code, carrier title, method code, method title and price. Shipping method represented by \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\RateResult\Method class. Carrier class has 'collectRates' method used to get applicable shipping methods. Configuration 'registers' Carrier class as a shipping carrier. system.xml makes our module configurable in the admin panel.
This module is intended to be installed using composer. After including this component and enabling it, you can verify it is installed by going the backend at:
STORES -> Configuration -> ADVANCED/Advanced -> Disable Modules Output
Once there check that the module name shows up in the list to confirm that it was installed correctly.
Unit tests could be found in the Test/Unit directory.
Magento Core team