A little software that will scan a selected calandar in the alcuin's website of our ESAIP school and exports it to ICS file format
Install python
sudo apt install python3
Download the geckodriver from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases, make it executable and put it in /usr/local/bin/.
Clone the repository :
git clone https://github.com/mael-chouteau/ALCAL/
Or click on the "Clone or download" button
Then modify the secret.py.exmple by first renaming it to secret.py and modify the place holders by the right infos
LOGIN="login_alcuin" <--- Your Alcuin ID
PASS="mdp_alcuin" <--- Your Alcuin password
ANNEE = ["classe1","classe2","classe3"] <--- Name of the differents years of your class IRA3 or GREA4 for exemple (It's for the folder's pdf's name)
CALENDRIER = ["PRJ15790","PRJ17091","PRJ16605"] <--- ID of the calendar you want to extract. You can get it by analysing the get requests in yout browser. A version proposing the calendars is comming.
PATHTOPDF = "/home/user/Feuille-temps/" <--- Absulute path to the destination folder for the PDFs and ics files generated
COLORS = ["ORANGE Category", "RED Category", "BLUE Category"] <--- Colors for the Exams, courses, and other respectively.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
To launch the program to extract the next 120 days of the calendar of class 2:
py main.py 120 1
If you whant to offset the start of the extraction you just have to add another number at the end correspondig to the offset. To start from 5 days in the future:
py main.py 120 1 5
- To hide the firefox windows just change False to True at the line "options.headless".
- To change the language used in the logs just change FR to EN at this lin "import Language.FR as verbose" or put EMPTY instead to remove logs.