Fyrö or fyro is a simple 2d engine.
Quad or quadliteral translated to swedish is fyrhörning. There isn't any accepted short form fyrhörning so I picked the first four letters that made sense and sounded good.
Procounce it as either fyro: "FIR (as in fire) -Oh" or as fyrö: "Phyr(phy as in physical) -Uh (as in Uhm)"
Fyrö also means lightouse island but that's not related but it could be the base of a logo or something :)
The overarching goal of the engine is to be able to quiclky create a game from some assets that was just released. This means that there should be some some template system helping you create code, hot reloading code and assets while the game is running and editor comfort to make tcreating code quickly. We are currently not here, there is a long way to go.
The design goal is to have a "runner" similar to love2d but perhaps behaving more like znes and have the actual gamnes be a single file like love2d or pico8. The api design would be closer to how flixel/game maker works/worked with a state class that contain a level that contain objects.
The znes inspiration means that the input from the engine to the game file would be seen as some sort of gamepad similar to how a snes game would see only a snes controller. In future development there is a desire to add support for mouse or touch based games but I'm unsure how this would fit into the gamepad model.
Given the znes inspiration the current design is also geared towards "pixel" games but besides the controller and only supporting tile based levels there is no restriction on this. Adding a phsyics system like box2d, spline based levels and spine import is within the scope of the current design and exist on some roadmap.
(if the project gain contributors this needs to be turned into github issues but for now a list in markdown works just fine)
- clean up code and remove not used things
- expand current collision handling to support moving platforms
- add collision handling between actors
on_collision((_: Player, coin: Coin) => {
on_collision(player: Player, enemy: Enemy) => {
if(player.is_falling && over_enemy) {
} else {
replace OpenGL rendering with the SDL 2d renderer. This would probably make the engine easier to port but might remove shader support. We might want 2d normal maps, basic water effects or some 2d lightning later...
add sound and music
name input so we can assure player1 is the same in meny as in game
change input? to support mouse only games (cpp samples) and dual-stick shooters with "mouselook"
add hot reload
add data "screenshot" dump of the last x seconds, with debugging, logging, log diff and replayability
get debugging ideas from
add serialization/savefiles
add a quick hiscore
add a quick menu system
add support for both pixel and rotate phsycis games
add gif/mp4 recording of the last X seconds
port flixel samples? like mode https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel-demos/tree/dd0afb866ed57b0507e8679d191ce68d4a8e2407/Platformers/Mode https://github.com/AdamAtomic/Mode
port to webgl, android, raspberry pi
port gamejam games for more samples
port "16 games in c++ sfml" for more samples?