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mabl GitHub Run Tests Deployment Action

This GitHub Action creates a mabl deployment event, triggering cloud test runs associated with that deployment and waiting for their results.

For more complex use cases, see the setup-mabl-cli Action to access the CLI directly.

Example workflow: Simple

on: [push]

name: mabl Simple Example

    name: mabl Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Functional test deployment
        id: mabl-test-deployment
        uses: mablhq/github-run-tests-action@v1
          MABL_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.MABL_API_KEY }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          application-id: <your-application-id-a>
          environment-id: <your-environment-id-e>

Example workflow: Complete

Using all available flags.

on: [push]

name: mabl Complex Example

    name: mabl Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Functional test deployment
        id: mabl-test-deployment
        uses: mablhq/github-run-tests-action@v1
          MABL_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.MABL_API_KEY }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          application-id: <your-application-id-a>
          environment-id: <your-environment-id-e>
          uri: <your-override-url>
          mabl-branch: <your-mabl-branch-name>
          # Runs for both browsers
          browser-types: |
          # Runs plans matching ANY of the following labels AND the environment/application IDs above
          plan-labels: |
          http-headers: |
          continue-on-failure: true
          rebaseline-images: true
          set-static-baseline: true
          event-time: <your-event-time-epoch-milliseconds>

Environment variables

  • MABL_API_KEY {string} - Your mabl API key available here This should be installed as a secret in your github repository.
  • GITHUB_TOKEN {string} (optional) - The Github token for your repository. If provided, the mabl action will associate a pull request with the deployment if the commit being built is associated with any pull requests. This token is automatically available as a secret in your repo but must be passed in explicitly in order for the action to be able to access it.


Note: Either application-id or environment-id must be supplied.

  • application-id {string} (optional) - mabl id for the deployed application. Use the curl builder to find the id.
  • environment-id {string} (optional) - mabl id for the deployed environment. Use the curl builder to find the id.
  • browser-types {string} (optional): comma or new line separated override for browser types to test e.g. chrome, firefox, safari, internet_explorer. If not provided, mabl will test the browsers configured on the triggered test.
  • plan-labels {string} (optional): comma or new line separated plan labels to test. Plans matching any label will be run. e.g. smoke-test, beta-feature. Note: additional selection criteria must also be met like application-id or environment-id, if supplied.
  • uri {string} (optional) the base uri to test against. If provided, this will override the default uri associated with the environment in mabl
  • mabl-branch {string} (optional) run tests on the mabl branch of tests with this name. Defaults to master.
  • http-headers {string} (optional) Headers to add to all requests e.g. "My-Header:the-value" (comma or new line delimited).
  • rebaseline-images {boolean} (optional) - Set true to reset the visual baseline to the current deployment
  • set-static-baseline {boolean} (optional) - Set true to use current deployment as an exact static baseline. If set, mabl will not model dynamic areas and will use the current deployment as the pixel-exact visual baseline.
  • continue-on-failure {boolean} (optional) - Set to true to continue the build even if there are test failures
  • event-time {int64} (optional) - Event time the deployment occurred in UTC epoch milliseconds. Defaults to now.


  • mabl-deployment-id {string} - mabl id of the deployment
  • plans_run {int32} - number of mabl plans run against this deployment. A mabl plan is a collection of similarly configured tests.
  • plans_passed {int32} - number of mabl plans that passed against this deployment. A mabl plan is a collection of similarly configured tests.
  • plans_failed {int32} - number of mabl plans that failed against this deployment. A mabl plan is a collection of similarly configured tests.
  • tests_run {int32} - total number of mabl tests run against this deployment.
  • tests_passed {int32} - number of mabl tests that passed against this deployment.
  • tests_failed {int32} - number of mabl tests that failed against this deployment.


See here for details on contributing to this action.


The Dockerfile and associated scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.