I have more then 3 years of experience. Consumes the in-depth knowledge of Full Stack. Mostly my experience is around Web and its ecosystem. Develops quality software with needed architecture and performance. I always explore latest technologies and learn them.
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html5, CSS3, SASS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript (ES6), Ajax, JSON, jQuery, AlpineJS, ReactJS, Redux toolkit/React Context API, React Spring, MaterialUI. Web Animation, API Integration.
NextJS, Astro, Node, ExpressJS, MySQL and MongoDB, mongose, Strapi (Headless CMS), Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib. CI/CD, Github Actions, Surge, Heroku, Vercel, Firebase, AWS Services (Amplify, EC2, S3, Route53, LoadBalancer, CodePipline, CodeDeploy, CodeBuild, IAM Roles, RDS). OOP (Object Oriented Programming), RESTFUL API, Agile Methodology, MVC, Git, GitHub, npm, Postman, Babel, Webpack, React/Redux devtools and chrome devtools.