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Vue-Country-Region-Select CI status

Vue-Country-Region-Select provides a pair of Vue components that will allow you to easily put a country and region dropdown in your project that will work together or standalone. Supports vue-i18n.


npm install vue-country-region-select --save


Being that these are Vue components you will need to use them inside of Vue.

The Data for the countries and regions are originally taken from: However the data set is now located in this project and is available to be edited to suit more countries and regions as you need.


Here is a sample use case of how you would use vue-country-region-select in your vue project. You can alternatively store the data in a store somewhere. Country and Region values will be returned in their short code values by default.

Ex. country: 'US' and region: 'IL'

There is a prop that will allow for country to be returned in full instead of in short code version.

The library registers the components globally so only need to import the library once in order to make the components be available throughout your project.

// too be added before mounting app
import Vue from 'vue'
import vueCountryRegionSelect from 'vue-country-region-select'

new Vue({}).$mount('#app')
// end mounting app

// then inside your vue components
export default Vue.extend({
  data: () => ({
    country: '',
    region: ''

  <country-select v-model="country" :country="country" topCountry="US" />
  <region-select v-model="region" :country="country" :region="region" />


Here are the available attributes that can be used with the provided components.

<country-select />

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
v-model yes '' string The data binding for your component
country yes '' string Make this tied to the same piece of data as v-model
topCountry no '' string By providing this value you will tell component what country to put at the top of the dropdown list for easy selection. Make sure to use country short code. So for United states you would provide 'US'. However, if you set countryName to true make sure to also write out full country name when setting a topCountry. In this scenerio United States would be 'United States'.
countryName no false boolean By setting this value to true, country names will be output in full instead of using the abbreviated short codes. Make sure to set this true for both country and region if you are using.
whiteList no [] array Fill this array with capitalized short codes of the countries you want to appear in the dropdown list. ex: ['US', 'CA', 'MX']
blackList no [] array Fill this array with capitalized short codes of the countries you want to remove from dropdown list. ex: ['US']
className no '' string Class name ex: form-control
placeholder no 'Select Country' string The placeholder text for country select
autocomplete no false boolean Set to true to enable browser to automatically fill out the country.
shortCodeDropdown no false boolean Use this to have dropdown text display as short codes
usei18n no true boolean Set to false if using i18n and want to disable for this component
disablePlaceholder no false boolean Set to true to make placeholder non-selectable
removePlaceholder no false boolean Set to true to remove placeholder all together, this will autoselect first in list automatically

<region-select />

Parameter Required? Default Type Description
v-model yes '' string The data binding for your component
region yes '' string Make this tied to the same piece of data as v-model
country no '' string This tells the component what country to grab the list of displayed regions from. To have it work in tandem with country component provide it the variable that is tied to the v-model of the country-select component.
defaultRegion no 'US' string This allows you to set a default region when choosing not to use the country attribute. It will be set to regions of the United States if not provided.
countryName no false boolean Set this to true if you are setting it to true while using Country Select. This is just to help keep the data values in sync.
regionName no false boolean Set this to true if you want the v-model to output full region names instead of the default abbreviations.
whiteList no [] array Fill this array with capitalized short codes of the regions you want to appear in the dropdown list. ex: ['AL', 'AK', 'WA']
blackList no [] array Fill this array with capitalized short codes of the regions you want to remove from dropdown list. ex: ['AZ']
className no '' string Class name ex: form-control
placeholder no 'Select Region' string The placeholder text for region select
autocomplete no false boolean Set to true to enable browser to automatically fill out the region.
shortCodeDropdown no false boolean Use this to have dropdown text display as short codes
usei18n no true boolean Set to false if using i18n and want to disable for this component
disablePlaceholder no false boolean Set to true to make placeholder non-selectable, this will cause regions to set to first available when switching countries
removePlaceholder no false boolean Set to true to remove placeholder all together, this will autoselect first in list automatically


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




Quasar component for country selection






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  • JavaScript 97.5%
  • Vue 2.5%