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wip day 15 - 2018
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m000 committed Dec 30, 2022
1 parent d58bc7b commit f05ab35
Showing 2 changed files with 311 additions and 0 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions 2018/d15-input.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions 2018/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse import csgraph
from collections import Counter
from matplotlib import pyplot
from pprint import pprint
INPUTS = [ 'd15-input.txt', ]

DEBUG = True

# ------------------------------------------------
# constants and global state
# ------------------------------------------------
units_max = 1000
units_re = r'([GE])'
units_hp = {'G': 200, 'E': 200}
units_ap = {'G': 3, 'E': 3}
units_id = {'G': iter(range(units_max)), 'E': iter(range(units_max))}

carts_turn = {
'</': 'v', '>/': '^', '^/': '>', 'v/': '<',
'<\\': '^', '>\\': 'v', '^\\': '<', 'v\\': '>',
carts_iturn = {
'<l': ('v', 's'), '>l': ('^', 's'), '^l': ('<', 's'), 'vl': ('>', 's'),
'<s': ('<', 'r'), '>s': ('>', 'r'), '^s': ('^', 'r'), 'vs': ('v', 'r'),
'<r': ('^', 'l'), '>r': ('v', 'l'), '^r': ('>', 'l'), 'vr': ('<', 'l'),

# ------------------------------------------------
# helpers
# ------------------------------------------------
class Unit:
def __init__(self, upos, utype):
self.posx, self.posy = upos
self.type = utype
self.hp = units_hp[self.type]
self.ap = units_ap[self.type] = next(units_id[self.type])

def __str__(self):
return '%s%d[hp=%d, ap=%d, pos=(%d, %d)]' % (
self.type,, self.hp, self.ap, self.posx, self.posy)

def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()

def __lt__(self, other):
return (self.posx, self.posy) < (other.posx, other.posy)

def uid(self):
return '%s%d' % (self.type,

def move(self, board):
ir = board.in_range(for_type=self.type)

class Board:
def __init__(self, inputf):
# read dimensions
ldims = []
with open(inputf) as f:
for ln, line in enumerate(f):
ldims.append( (ln, len(line.rstrip())) )
self.dims = (max([d[0] for d in ldims])+1, max([d[1] for d in ldims]))

# read data
self.board = np.empty(self.dims, dtype=np.unicode)
self.units = []
with open(inputf) as f:
for ln, line in enumerate(f):
line = line.rstrip()
if not line.lstrip(): continue
self.board[ln] = list(line.ljust(self.dims[1]))
for um in re.finditer(units_re, line):
upos, utype = (um.span()[0], ln),
u = Unit(upos, utype)
self.board[u.posy, u.posx] = '.'

# initialize other state
self.ts = 0
self.inrange_cache = {'ts': -1}

def __repr__(self):
return '%s<%dx%d, %d units: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.dims[1], self.dims[0], len(self.units), self.units)

def __str__(self):
return self.tostring()

def overlay(self, items, f = None):
if f is not None:
items = map(f, items)
replaced = []
for pos, o, valid in items:
v = self.board[pos[0], pos[1]]
assert(v == valid or valid is None)
self.board[pos[0], pos[1]] = o
replaced.append( (pos, v, o) )
return replaced

def tostring(self, overlay_units=True):
if overlay_units:
ubak = self.overlay(self.units, lambda u: ((u.posy, u.posx), u.type, '.'))
s = '\n'.join(np.apply_along_axis(lambda s: ''.join(s), axis=1, arr=self.board))
if overlay_units:
return s

def plot(self):
wcolor = 255 # wall
scolor = 0 # space
Ecolor = 66 # elf
Gcolor = 110 # gnome
rcolor = 220 # in range
cprops = {
'color': 'white',
'fontweight': 'black',
'fontfamily': 'monospace',
'horizontalalignment': 'center',
'verticalalignment': 'center',
imdata = np.full(self.board.shape, wcolor, dtype=np.uint8)
coords = np.where(self.board == '.')
imdata[coords] = scolor
inrange = self.in_range()
coords = tuple(zip(*inrange.keys()))
imdata[coords] = rcolor
coords = tuple(zip(*[(u.posy, u.posx) for u in self.units if u.type == 'G']))
imdata[coords] = Gcolor
coords = tuple(zip(*[(u.posy, u.posx) for u in self.units if u.type == 'E']))
imdata[coords] = Ecolor
img = pyplot.imshow(imdata, cmap='Paired')

def in_range(self, for_type=None):
for_type = for_type if for_type is not None else 'all'
if self.inrange_cache['ts'] == self.ts:
return self.inrange_cache[for_type]

self.inrange_cache = {'ts': self.ts, 'G': {}, 'E': {}, 'all': {}}
for u in self.units:
neighbors = [(u.posy+1, u.posx), (u.posy-1, u.posx), (u.posy, u.posx+1), (u.posy, u.posx-1)]
for p in neighbors:
if self.board[p[0], p[1]] != '.': continue
for ft, cache in self.inrange_cache.items():
if ft == u.type: continue
if type(cache) != dict: continue
if p not in cache: cache[p] = []
return self.inrange_cache[for_type]

def tick(self):
# set unit locations as walls
ubak = self.overlay(self.units, lambda u: ((u.posy, u.posx), '#', '.'))

# We want scipy to compute shortest paths. For this, we need
# to express the map as a NxN sparse matrix. The value at
# (i, j) represents the direct distance between points labeled
# i and j.
# For this, we need to extract the points we want, assign
# them labels, create a sparse matrix and feed it to scipy.

# make labels and sparse matrix indices
coords_label = iter(range(self.dims[0] * self.dims[1]))
coords = {}; labels = {}; csr_row = []; csr_col = []
for i in np.arange(self.dims[0]-1): # skip last row
for j in np.arange(self.dims[1]-1): # skip last column
if self.board[i, j] != '.': continue

# find neighbors
# undirected graph - only need to check 2 neighbors
neighbors = []
if self.board[i, j+1] == '.':
neighbors.append((i, j+1))
if self.board[i+1, j] == '.':
neighbors.append((i+1, j))
if not neighbors: continue

# set labels and distances
p = (i, j)
if p not in labels:
lp = next(coords_label)
labels[p] = lp
coords[lp] = p
lp = labels[p]
for n in neighbors:
if n not in labels:
ln = next(coords_label)
labels[n] = ln
coords[ln] = n
ln = labels[n]

# create sparse matrix
csr_dim = (len(csr_row), len(csr_col))
csr_data = [1,] * len(csr_row)
assert(csr_dim[0] == csr_dim[1])
m = csr_matrix((csr_data, (csr_row, csr_col)), shape=csr_dim, dtype=np.uint8)

# calculate shortest distances
dists, pred = csgraph.shortest_path(m, method='D',
directed=False, unweighted=True, return_predecessors=True)
dists_nonzero = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(dists), dists > 0)
for i, j in zip(*np.where(dists_nonzero)):
print('%02d: %d%s -> %d%s' % (dists[i, j], i, coords[i], j, coords[j]))

start = 380
dest = 366
while dists[dest, start] > 0:
n = pred[dest, start]
print('%d%s -> %d%s' % (start, coords[start], n, coords[n]))#, dists[n, dest]))
start = n

#02: 380(30, 11) -> 373(30, 9)
# 10: 380(30, 11) -> 376(30, 15)
print(pred[380, 380])
#for i in np.arange(sh.shape[0]):
#for j in np.arange(sh.shape[1]):

#print(self.tostring(overlay_units = False))

## calculate coordinates of spaces
##scoords = set(zip(*np.where(self.board == '.')))
#ucoords = set([(u.posy, u.posx) for u in self.units])
#scoords -= ucoords
#scoords = dict(enumerate(sorted(scoords)))

#for u in self.units:

# ------------------------------------------------
# read board
# ------------------------------------------------
b = Board(INPUT)

#if DEBUG:
#print_board(board, units)
#plot_board(board, units)

# ------------------------------------------------
# part 1
# ------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------
# part 2
# ------------------------------------------------

# vim:sts=4:sw=4:et:

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