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As the number of Hub users grew, it seemed wise to verify one of the key advantages of Hub: its performance. A standard way to measure the performance of a framework is to provide a process for comparisons to discover the industry winner under the same conditions and metrics. Hub claims to be:

Fastest unstructured dataset management for TensorFlow/PyTorch.

The goal of the benchmarks is to show what areas of performance this claim applies to and to guide Hub's team towards in which Hub has still some room for improvement. The benchmarks are split into internal and external ones. The former suggest the relative conditions which are optimal for Hub to maximize its performance. The latter are to determine Hub's place on the ML scene among other actors like PyTorch, Tensorflow, zarr or TileDB.


All of the benchmarks were conducted on the same machine unless stated otherwise in a section related to a particular benchmark. The specification of the resources used for the benchmarks can be found below:


Machine AWS EC2 m4.10xlarge instance
Region US-East-2c
Memory 160 GB
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz
#vCPU 40
Network performance 10 Gb


Type of storage Volume Maximum storage bandwidth
Instance storage (EBS) 1000 GB 4000 Mbps
S3 Bucket unlimited 25 Gbps

Operating System

Kernel 4.14.214-160.339.amzn2.x86_64 GNU/Linux
OS Name Amazon Linux 2 (Karoo)
Filesystem xfs


Internal Use

Name Data Description Split Size (MB) Number of items
MNIST 28x28 grayscale images with 10 class labels train + test 23 70000
Omniglot 105x105 color images with 1623 class labels test 13180
CIFAR10 32x32 color images with 10 class labels train 116 50000
CIFAR100 32x32 color images with 100 class labels train 116 50000

External Use

Name Data Description Pytorch Resource Tensorflow Resource Split Size (MB) Number of items
MNIST 28x28 grayscale images with 10 class labels torchvision.datasets.MNIST() tfds.load("mnist") train + test 23 70000
Places365_small 256x256 color images with 365 class labels torchvision.datasets.Places365(small=True) tfds.load("places365_small") train 23671 1803460


In all of the benchmarks caching (including storage caching) is disabled.

Some benchmarks are parametrized by a variety of arguments, such as:

  • dataset
  • batch size
  • prefetch factor
  • number of workers

The time measured is shown in seconds rounded to 4 decimal places unless specified otherwise. Relevant configuration details for the parametrized benchmarks are noted in respective sections.


Presented benchmarks are intended to be reproducible and easy to replicate manually or through automation.

Step by step guide

  1. Launch the AWS EC2 instance according to the specification in the Method section.
  2. Install Hub in the edit mode along with the necessary packages found in all of the requirements files or run sh (if Hub is not installed) and source into the virtual environment with source ./hub-env/bin/activate.
  3. Sequentially run all of the Python files in the benchmarks folder or run sh If you use benchmark_run, the results will be combined in the results.log file. Otherwise, the results for the benchmarks should be released to the standard output. For the external dataset iteration benchmark only, you may collect the results with grep 'BENCHMARK'.

Note that access to the datasets stored in the S3 bucket is limited. However, you might replicate this set-up by creating a bucket which contains the data in Hub format. For instance, you may upload the dataset with .store using the S3 path as the first argument.

External Benchmarks

Read and Write Sequential Access

How does Hub compare to zarr and tiledb in terms of read / write sequential access to the dataset?

Remote Hub already performs ~1.14x better than TileDB (which offers local storage only) whereas Hub used locally is over 26x better than TileDB on the access to the entire dataset. The results are even more explicit in batched access.

Read is conducted on the original MNIST dataset (as specified in Method/Datasets section). However, the write test is conducted on a MNIST-like dataset which retains its shape and schema but is given pseudorandomly generated data to write.


MNIST: entire dataset (70000 label and image pairs)

Framework Read Write
TileDB (local) 1.3107
zarr (local) 0.3550
Hub (remote - Wasabi) 1.1537
Hub (local) 0.0483

MNIST: in batches of 7000

Framework Read Write
TileDB (local) 12.6473 35.3081
zarr (local) 0.3461 1.1027
Hub (remote - Wasabi) 1.0862 0.7641
Hub (local) 0.1244 0.6852




Hub performs better than zarr despite being based on the framework. TileDB is an outlier among all frameworks.

Remote access to Hub is 8-24x times slower than local.

Write is ~3-5.5x slower than read for all locally stored frameworks. For remote Hub write is 1.4x faster than read.

Dataset Iteration

Is Hub faster in iterating over a dataset than PyTorch DataLoader and Tensorflow Dataset?

Yes, Hub fetching data remotely outperforms both Pytorch and Tensorflow on MNIST dataset. It is 1.12x better than PyTorch and 1.004x better than Tensorflow.


  1. Datasets: MNIST & Places365
  2. Batch size: 16
  3. Prefetch factor: 4
  4. Number of workers: 1


Loader MNIST Places365
Hub (remote - Wasabi) .to_pytorch() 12.4601 6033.2499
Hub (remote - S3) .to_pytorch() 8.4371 4590.9812
Hub (local) .to_pytorch() 353.3983 19751.0882
PyTorch (local, native) 13.9312 4305.0664
Hub (remote - Wasabi) .to_tensorflow() 10.8668 5725.5230
Hub (remote - S3) .to_tensorflow() 11.8887 4524.5225
Hub (local) .to_tensorflow() 11.0737 2141.2500
Tensorflow (local, native - TFDS) 10.9133 1051.0044


Dataset Iteration (external)


Except for the relatively slow performance of Hub's to_pytorch in the local environment, the results of all loaders on MNIST are comparable.

Places365, a significantly larger dataset, sheds light on the real differences among the frameworks. Not surprisingly, local storage surpasses the remote ones - S3 followed by Wasabi, heavily affected by the network latency. The best performing framework turns out to be Tensorflow, closely followed by Hub's to_tensorflow implementation. The biggest outlier is Hub's local to_pytorch which could not be measured on time as it is over 10x slower than other loaders.

PyTorch's native DataLoader as well as Hub's to_pytorch function are generally slower than Tensorflow.

Internal Benchmarks

Image Compression

We measure the time to compress (PNG) a sample image using PIL and Hub.


The results below measure compression time of the sample image at a batch size of 100.

Compression Time
PIL 25.1025
Hub 25.1024


There are no drops of performance of Hub in relation to the Python Imaging Library while compressing images. In fact, Hub performs slightly better than PIL library.

Random Access

We measure the time to fetch an uncached random sample from a dataset, varying over several standard datasets and further at several batch sizes.

Random offsets are also used to ensure that no caching is being taken advantage of externally.


Batch size MNIST Omniglot (test) CIFAR10 (train) CIFAR100 (train)
1 0.5066 0.1837 0.8322 0.8900
2 0.4056 0.1458 0.9117 0.7480
4 0.4138 0.1509 0.7624 0.7582
8 0.4096 0.1391 0.7664 0.7560
16 0.4106 0.1613 0.7576 0.7358
32 0.4046 0.1435 0.7389 0.7644
64 0.4002 0.1665 0.7494 0.7390
128 0.4083 0.2340 0.7731 0.7509
256 0.4075 0.2858 0.7553 0.7473
512 0.4023 0.2476 0.7511 0.7656


Random Access


Hub performs relatively uniformly over the various batch sizes with the notable exception of Omniglot test dataset. It can be speculated that a few times lower number of images in the dataset compared to others allow Hub to perform much better than in the case of other datasets. Reading single element batches is slower than of batches containing multiple elements.

Dataset Iteration

We measure the time to iterate over a full dataset (MNIST) in both pytorch and tensorflow (separately). Benchmarks also vary over multiple preset batch sizes and prefetch factors.


Batch size Pytorch prefetch factor Tensorflow prefetch factor
1 4 16 128 1 4 16 128
1 114.8104 93.0956 96.3225 100.2829 26.6553 20.9806 20.6421 23.1414
16 14.0271 12.8922 12.5523 12.5023 11.4632 11.2359 10.9313 11.0235
128 8.9637 8.9810 9.0486 8.3433 9.7509 9.7083 10.3689 10.8401


Dataset Iteration (internal)


Increasing the batch size leads to a better performance. The transition from the size of 1 to 16 leads to a decrease in iteration time by over 85%. Tensorflow's performance seems not to be drastically improved by prefetching. For PyTorch, however, in smaller batches, an appropriate prefetch factor can elicit a 5-20% improvement. For both Tensorflow and PyTorch a relatively optimal balance is achieved at the prefetch factor equal to 4 and the batch size of length 16. These parameters are used in the external dataset iteration section described below.


This section is incomplete.


It has been shown that the Hub framework is the fastest among its competitors for the most common dataset operations (read and write). Hub team needs to continue improving to_pytorch and to_tensorflow functions to increase its dataset iteration scores. Benchmarks should be re-calculated every time new features are added to Hub. Further plans with regards to the benchmarks are outlined here.