A curated list of resources I found useful in Software Engineering related field. This list is still in progress
- Record useful Tools and Links in my learning
- Existing Curated Lists are too lengthy. (e.g. Awesome) Yes, everything they list are important, but most of them are not essential for beginners. If you are a Novice / beginner / Amateur, check this out !
- Documentation
- BOOK: C++ Primer
- BOOK: The C++ Programming Language
- Documentation
- 廖雪峰的python教程 by Michael Liao - Strongly recommend
- Jupyter Notebook (MUST-HAVE)
- nbExtensions: e.g. TOC
- nbExtension Configurator
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, ...
- 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 - Strongly recommend
- 廖雪峰的git教程 by Michael Liao - Strongly recommend
- Github Guides
Regular Expression 正则表达式
- 正则表达式30分钟入门教程 by deerchao
- RegExr: Marv platfrom to test your Regular expression
- Latex Tutorial
- Latex 中文模版收集
- Edit online and collaborate
Machine Learning
- BOOK: 周志华 - 机器学习 - Stronly recommend
- Machine Learning Coursera by Andrew Ng
Open source guide
Editor / IDEs:
- Editors I strongly recommend:
- IDEs:
- Visual Studio - for Windows, Mac(just released)
- Xcode - for Mac
- JetBrains series - Students can use for free
- Coding in shell
- Simple description of popular software licenses by Paul Miller
- Drawn a very intuitive picture to help you choose a license.
- 如何选择开源许可证? by wadefelix
- Paul Miller 工作的中文翻译
Wikipedia: Comparison of web frameworks
- Django: A python framework, real easy to use with wonderful doc
- Yii framework (PHP)
- Ruby on Rails
- Company Official Website:
- Third Party:
- Wechat Subscription (微信公众号):
- 清华就业 (THUCareerCenter)
- 职协互联网club (SCDA-InternetClub)
- 逆行求职 (nixingjihua)
- Google招聘包打听
- 应届生求职网订阅号 (yingjiesheng)
Glassdoor: Many interview experience and salary information
应届生论坛: Many companies' HR (e.g. Microsoft) answer questions here.
Experience and suggestions
- Programming Pearls 编程珠玑
- 剑指offer
- 编程之美