An application for creating screenshots. ScreenGrab uses the Qt framework and thus, it is independent from any desktop environment.
- Screenshot of screen area, window, fullscreen and last selected area
- Delay
- Edit directly in other applications
- Automatic saving; insert date+time in filename
- Fit to edges by right click
- Custom shortcuts
- Qt5 >= 5.15
- CMake >= 3.1.0 (only for building ScreenGrab from sources)
- GCC > 4.5
- KF5WindowSystem
- lxqt-build-tools
- libqtxdg(if compiled with the ability to edit screenshots in external apps, which is the case by default)
To build ScreenGrab from sources, use these commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake [BUILD OPTIONS] ../
make install
You can use some or all of these parameters to customise your build.
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Install prefix for Linux distro. Default setting: "/usr".
- -DSG_XDG_CONFIG_SUPPORT - Place config files into XDGC_CONFIG_HOME directory (usually - ~/.config/${app_name) ). Default setting: ON. In previous versions the config files were stored in ~/.screengrab (Set this parameter to "OFF" to store the config files here).
- -DSG_EXT_UPLOADS - Enable uploading screenshots to image hosting services. Default setting: ON.
- -DSG_DBUS_NOTIFY - Enable D-Bus notifications.
- -DSG_GLOBALSHORTCUTS - Enable global shortcuts for main actions to create screenshots. Default setting: ON.
- -DSG_USE_SYSTEM_QXT - Use system version Qxt Library for global shortcuts. Default setting: OFF.
- -DSG_DOCDIR - Name for the directory of user's documentation. Default setting: "screengrab". Dfault setting: OFF.
- -DDEV_VERSION - Set a dev-version here, maybe git describe $foo. Default not set.
For Debian based Linux distributions please use the distribution build tools. One can get the source-code with
apt source screengrab # Sources for the released package
- or -
git clone
Build with the tools provided by devscripts
or better with pbuilder
or sbuild
Official binary packages are available in all major distributions. Just use the distributions' package manager to search for string 'screengrab'.
Screengrab is licensed under the GPL v2. See file LICENSE in docs directory for more information
(c) 2014-2022, LXQt Project
(c) 2009-2013, Artem 'DOOMer' Galichkin
Translations can be done in LXQt-Weblate