Releases: lumongo/lumongo
#151 Allow streaming results in query rest service for CSV
#150 Add flag to queries to allow it to bypass query caching
#149 Add uploaded date to the associated document rest response
#148 Update timestamp field to use LongPoint
#147 Update Jopt Simple to 5.0.3
#146 Update jersey-container-grizzly2-http to 2.25
#145 Update json-io to 4.9
#144 Fix exclusive range for float and double field type queries
#143 Add boolean support to csv in query rest
#142 Ability to pass query to associated docs service (all docs view)
#141 Update to hazelcast 3.7.4
#140 Make dates easier to read in query rest service if pretty=true is given
#139 Add start parameter to the query rest service
#138 Add csv output to the term rest service
#137 Allow adjusting the length on a highlight fragment
#136 Improve CSV export for multi value fields
#135 Add fuzzy term searching to get terms request
#134 Add ability to view schema via rest
#133 If query is null or empty and there are qf given, run a star query against the fields selected
#132 Update to Mongo Java Driver 3.4.1
#131 Remove LSH implementation
#130 Add a position increment gap to all text analyzers to prevent multi valued query wrap
#129 Switch to Gradle 3.1
#128 Update to protobuf 3.0.0
#127 Increase max clause count to 16k
#126 Fix performance issue with associated files
#125 Handle Nulls for Numbers and Date in Multivalued Fields
#124 Keep the shutdown handler from keeping old connections around in lumongo client
#123 when sorting DESC in a multi valued field use the max value
#122 Speed up distributed index reading
#121 Switch back to taxonomy facets
#120 Add ability to store index to disk instead of using mongodb
#119 Don't commit when unloading an index for a delete
#118 Add 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 word shingles as analyzers
#117 Update to Lucene 6.4.1
#116 Ability to Search Word Vectors
#112 Add british filter
#105 Add More Like This Service
#99 Allow csv output in rest query service
#98 Allow Storage of Compressed Associated Files from Rest
#100 Allow listing of files stored as associated docs through rest service
#101 Add a DisMax option for Query Parsing
#103 Query Time Similarity Override
#106 Implement Simple Highlighting
#107 Update to Lucene 6.1
#108 Add analysis request to queries
#109 Fix Regression in Faceting with a single segment
#110 Fix Performance Regression in Faceting with a Single Segment and High Cardinality
#111 Add stop words to all default analyzer that are stemmed
#77 Upgrade to Lucene 6.0
#78 Create Rest Service to Show Fields in Index
#81 Get Field Names Rest Service
#82 Create Rest Service list Indexes
#83 Create Rest Service to Show Terms and Refactor Terms
#84 Revamp analyzer configuration to be more complete
#87 Allow filter queries (fq) to set their own default operator, minimum should match, and default query fields
#88 Don't over request for a single segment
#89 Set Filter Queries to type Filter to not have them scored
#90 Remove DBObject and Switch to Document (Update fully to MongoDB 3.x java driver)
#91 Add facet drill down to rest query service
#92 Add ability to sort by a boolean field
#93 Improve numeric field support
#94 Optimize field:* queries
#70 Enable a simple start offset in addition to the cursor
#71 Create a boolean field type
#72 Upgrade to Lucene 5.5
#73 Upgrade to Mongo Java Driver 3.2.2
#74 Allow boosting of query fields (qf)
#75 Add minimum should match to rest query service
#76 Allow dates without times in date parser for date range queries
#60 Sorting should not be affected by the indexing analyzer
#61 Sorting on ID doesn't seem to work
#62 Improve sorting error messages
#63 implement case insenstive sorting
#64 Add LSH Analyzer for finding similar documents (Experimental)
#65 Allow cursor for paging
#66 upgrade to lucene 5.4.1
#67 Change ID field to an internal field not specified by the user
#68 Do not require default search field
#69 Improve error messages and exit codes of command line programs
#28 Add Minimum Should Match Option on Query
#34 Fixed Working Dir Variables in the Bash Scripts to Work on OSX
#35 Add Batch Delete Operation
#37 Add ability to specific default operator for queries (AND / OR)
#38 Allow a single field to be indexed multiple ways using mapper annotations
#42 Allow Annonation Based Mapper to Have Embedded Objects
#25 Upgrade to Lucene 4.10.3
#26 Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.4.1
#27 Upgrade to protobuf-rpc-pro to 3.3
#9 Refactor API to become more BSON centric to support new features
#10 Add ability to only return certain fields (like solr fl)
#19 Remove index configuration for collection vs. db control
#20 Update lucene 4.10 -> 4.10.1
#21 Update hazelcast 3.2.2 -> 3.3.1
#22 Fix lock handler code
#23 Fix range queries for open ended ranges
#24 Add date analyzer
#2 Add query result cache
#4 Add ability to specify query fields (like qf in solr)
#5 Enable filter queries (like solr fq)
#6 Fix test cases to not be order dependent
#7 Enable simple rest based query service (to be expanded)
#8 Allow running query with 0 results for faceting
#11 Treat query of no query (null) as :
#13 Allow regex to filter terms
#14 Create Index Ignores Segments For Some Calls in LumongoWorkPool
#15 Facets Lost While Indexing Under Heavy Load With Multiple Threads
#16 Update lucene 4.9 -> 4.10
#17 Command line search program should have a default value for amount
Other Version Updates:
grizzly 2.10.1 added
mongo-java-driver 2.12.2 -> 2.12.3
Build system to gradle 2.0