PING defines a Prolog knowledge base for a simple enviroment defined in MiniHack.
The room is a 10x10 grid, with an enemy, a weapon, a trap and an apple. The task is to pick up the apple and eat it.
It uses the PySwip package to integrate the Prolog KB and ask queries in Python scripts.
This application requires MiniHack for the environment definition; it can be easily installed via pypi:
$ pip install minihack
For the reasoning process, it needs SWI-Prolog and PySwip.
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--monster MONSTER] [--weapon WEAPON]
[--trap TRAP] [--path_to_kb PATH_TO_KB] [--num_episodes NUM_EPISODES]
[--max_steps MAX_STEPS] [--logging] [--fast_mode] [--save_gif] [--gif_path GIF_PATH]
[--gif-duration GIF_DURATION]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--width WIDTH The width of the environment
--height HEIGHT The height of the environment
--monster MONSTER The type of monster present in the environment
--weapon WEAPON The weapon present in the environment
--trap TRAP The type of trap present in the environment
--path_to_kb PATH_TO_KB
The path to the Prolog knowledge base
--num_episodes NUM_EPISODES
The number of episodes to perform
--max_steps MAX_STEPS
The maximum number of steps per episode
--logging Save the assertion made in Prolog
--fast_mode Print only summary information
--save_gif Save the episodes as gifs
--gif_path GIF_PATH Where to save the GIF of the episodes
--gif-duration GIF_DURATION
The duration of each GIF image