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Cyclone Analyzer

Cyclone analyzer is a static analyzer for Cyclone Specification Language. This library powers the cyclone online editor project.

The analyzer covers most of Cyclone's language features. This package also contains the language specification, an IR builder, some utility functions, a parser and a lexer based on ANTLR4 for Cyclone. This analyzer currently checks for 40+ kinds of semantic errors in a Cyclone spec, and would be helpful as a linter for Cyclone code editors.

Limitations: This analyzer performs a static analysis for each Cyclone specification. The semantic errors detected by this analyzer are not comprehensive: Certain errors can not be discovered by this analyzer. If this analyzer report no error on a certain specification, it doesn't mean the specification actually has no problem at all.

This project is a part of my final year project (CS440[A]) at Maynooth University.


  • This document is unfinished and will be updated in the future.



Use npm or yarn to install:

npm install cyclone-analyzer

Import this library using import or require:

// ESM
import cycloneAnalyzer from "cyclone-analyzer"

// CJS
const cycloneAnalyzer = require("cyclone-analyzer")

Analyze a Cyclone Specification

Find errors in any Cyclone specification by simply using analyzeCycloneSpec.

import {analyzer} from "cyclone-analyzer"

const cycloneSpec = `
graph G {
  int i = 1;
  start normal node S0 {
    i ++;
  final normal node S1 {
    i --;
  edge {S0 -> S1}
  goal {
    assert i == 1 in (S1);
    check for 1

const result = analyzer.analyzeCycloneSpec(cycloneSpec)

if (result.hasSyntaxError()) {
  console.log("This spec has syntax error:", result.parserErrors)
} else if (result.hasSemanticError()) {
  console.log("Semantic errors detected:", result.semanticErrors)
} else {
  console.log("This spec seems ok")


Use utils.antlr.parseCycloneSyntax to parse a Cyclone specification via ANTLR4:

import cycloneAnalyzer from "cyclone-analyzer"
const {parseCycloneSyntax} = cycloneAnalyzer.utils.antlr

const spec = `
graph G {
  int i = 1 // syntax error: a semicolon is required here

const parsed = parseCycloneSyntax({input: spec})

if (parsed.syntaxErrorsCount > 0) {
  console.log("This spec has syntax error")

Syntax Block Builder

There is an IR builder blockBuilder.SyntaxBlockBuilder for building a tree-structured context for a Cyclone spec after semantic analysis:

import {analyzer, blockBuilder} from "cyclone-analyzer"

const cycloneSpec = `
graph G {
  start final node A {}
  edge {A -> A}
  goal { check for 1 }

const irBuilder = new blockBuilder.SyntaxBlockBuilder()
const analysisResult = analyzer.analyzeCycloneSpec(cycloneSpec, {
  analyzerExtensions: [irBuilder] // the builder is an extension of the analyzer

// the syntax block of the input Cyclone spec, as a tree
const program = irBuilder.getProgramBlock()


Analyzer Extensions

The semantic analyzer defined series of events and can be listened with analyzer.on method. In this way, extensions can be written by listening to analyzer events. Extensions can be objects or class instances that has an attach method:

import {analyzer} from "cyclone-analyzer"

// defining an extension as class
class MyExtension {
  // the required attach method
  attach(analyzer) {
    // this.analyzer = analyzer
    analyzer.on("errors", (ctx, errors) => console.log("semantic errors discovered:", errors))
    analyzer.on("block:enter", (ctx, payload) => console.log("entering a semantic context block"))
    analyzer.on("block:exit", (ctx, payload) => console.log("exiting a semantic context block"))
    analyzer.on("identifier:register", (ctx, {text}) => console.log("registering identifier: ", text))
    analyzer.on("identifier:reference", (ctx, {references}) => console.log("referencing identifiers: ", references))

const cycloneSpec = `
graph G {
  start final node A {}
  edge {A -> A}
  goal { check for 1 }

const ext = new MyExtension()
const analysisResult = analyzer.analyzeCycloneSpec(cycloneSpec, {
  analyzerExtensions: [ext] // attach the extension


This package contains the following modules:

Module Description Status
analyzer The semantic analyzer for Cyclone Stable
blockBuilder An IR builder based on the semantic analyzer Unstable
generated The generated lexer and parser based on ANTLR4 Stable
language The language's definitions in enums & specifications Stable
library Some libraries that has nothing to do with the language itself Stable
utils Helper modules for analyzer and block builder to handle the language Stable



Block Builder


Generated Lexer & Parser


Language Definitions & Specifications







Published under the BSD-2 license


A static analyzer for Cyclone specification language







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