- Raspberry Pi 4B (with 2GB RAM)
- STM32F405
- BLDC motor
- HS-485 motor driver
- RS-485
Test Environment
- Ubuntu 20.04 mate
- ROS Noetic
If the speed of 2GB RPi doesn't feed you well, See also Running Ubuntu Desktop on a 2GB Raspberry Pi 4, which to some extent, solves the problem of low memory Raspberry PI.
- See ldlidar_stl_ros
Both are based on Lidar.
We deploy on a 4-mecanum-wheel-drive vehicle. Inverse and direct kinematics can be easily googled
Further info see files under stm32_car_control/
- STM32
Set baudrate same as below or configure yourself.
115200 8bits 1stop no parity
- ROS node
Set baudrate in /ros_ws/src/ros_rpi_to_stm32/my_serial_node/src/my_serial_node.cpp
, in line 80. Make sure it's the same as STM32's
ROS node is named my_serial_node
,which needs serial
library. Clone serial and place it under the same directory as my_serial_node
Go back to ~/ros_ws
and compile my_serial_node
$ catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="my_serial_node"
If you want to compile all the packages at the same time, do:
$ catkin_make
Now, my_serial_node
node is generated.
First make sure RPi serial port is set to a+x
right, e.g.
$sudo chmod a+x /dev/ttyAMAO
Caution: ttyAMA0
should be set to your own serial port name, e.g. ttyUSB0
Then make sure roscore
and lidar SDK are both already running.
You can also run those nodes by roslaunch
$ cd ~/ros_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch ldlidar_stl_ros ld06.launch
Then run my_serial_node
$ rosrun my_serial_node my_serial_node
New 2 terminal at the same time and enter respectively(make sure roscore
is already running):
$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
$ rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
Now you can send Twists
message through the arrow keys of your keyboard.
You can also directly publish the cmd_vel
topic by doing:
$ rostopic pub -r 1 turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[1.0, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.8]'
Note that only