A speech codec obtained by quantizing WavLM representations via K-means clustering (see https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.09747).
First of all, install Python 3.8 or later. Open a terminal and run:
pip install huggingface-hub safetensors speechbrain torch torchaudio transformers
We use torch.hub
to make loading the model easy (no need to clone the repository):
import torch
import torchaudio
dwavlm = torch.hub.load("lucadellalib/discrete-wavlm-codec", "discrete_wavlm_large", pretrained=True)
sig, sample_rate = torchaudio.load("<path-to-audio-file>")
sig = torchaudio.functional.resample(sig, sample_rate, dwavlm.sample_rate)
feats = dwavlm.sig_to_feats(sig)
toks = dwavlm.feats_to_toks(feats)
qfeats = dwavlm.toks_to_qfeats(toks)
rec_feats = dwavlm.qfeats_to_feats(qfeats)
rec_sig = dwavlm.feats_to_sig(rec_feats)
torchaudio.save("reconstruction.wav", rec_sig[:, 0], dwavlm.sample_rate)