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There are likely some debug print statements as well as unfinalized data structures, so if any bugs arise please be understanding

When to use dftegridy

Its about time our dataframes had a little 'tegridy

Data Engineering

Most datasets and databases are expected to grow. Before inserting any new data to your database, wouldnt it be nice to know if the new data had a critical defect that would compromise the integrity of the existing data?


Before deploying a new version of an app, or adding new data to the production server, having a tool to check that the new data meets human and programmed expectations is critical for ensuring safe, reliable, and consistent deployments

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Rarely in AI and DS performed outside of the lab will you train a model on a dataset and then use data from that same source for inference...

Use dftegridy as a tool to verify that wild input data is within the expected bounds of your training data, and capture outliers as soon as they appear


1 - Profile the DF you want to verify

import pandas as pd
import dftegridy

original_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'record_id': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    'name': ['Joe', 'John', 'David', 'Brett', 'Richard'],
    'occupation': ['Carpenter', 'Carpenter', 'Surveyor', 'Driver', 'Mechanic'],

# 1 - Configure the Data Units of the columns
dunit_config = {
    'record_id': dftegridy.dunits.ID_UNIQUE,
    'name': dftegridy.dunits.LABEL,
    'occupation': dftegridy.dunits.CATEGORICAL,

# 2 - Create DFID object, profile the data, and save the profile
dfid_profile_path = './example_simple_dfid_profile.yaml'
dfid = dftegridy.DFID(dunit_config=dunit_config)
profile = dfid.profile(original_df)

Which will produce a profile for the configured columns:

  dtype: int64
  hasna: false
  dunit: id_unique
  count: 5
  dtype: object
  hasna: false
  dunit: label
  dtype: object
  hasna: false
  dunit: categorical
  - Carpenter
  - Driver
  - Mechanic
  - Surveyor

2 - Verify a newly updated DF against the baseline profile

import pandas as pd
import dftegridy

compare_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'record_id': [6, 7],
    'name': ['Paul', 'Jacob'],
    'occupation': ['Driver', 'Technician'],
    'random_new_col': ['something', 'anotherthing'],

# 1 - Load the expected profile of your DF
dfid_profile_path = './example_simple_dfid_profile.yaml'
dfid = dftegridy.DFID()
profile = dfid.load_profile(dfid_profile_path)

# 2 - Verify the new DF and review the report for inconsistencies
report = dfid.verify(compare_df, skip_unverified=False)  # defaults to True

Which will produce a verification report like:

--> columns:
  info - New column added
  info - Expected column order != new column order
        - Disregard if column order does not matter

--> occupation:
  info - Unexpected categorical values:

Catalogued Data Units

Status Class Name When to use
Live Id ID_UNIQUE Ids that should not ever be duplicated in the df
Live Id ID_REUSED Ids that will be reused, like every month a person with their own id has a new record
Live Label LABEL Use for anything thats just a cosmetic label and you dont care what the values are
Live Label FREE_TEXT Use for anything that is a long text descriptor. In the future there will be more functionality to check length and character encodings and typical considerations for NLP workflows
Live Categorical CATEGORICAL Categorical values that have a discrete set of approved values. Accounts for various string and integer datatypes. Use this for BOOLEAN values
Live Measure MEASURE Numerical values within and expected range. Basically any int or float that is not an encoding
Date DATE_DATETIME When native datetime objects are stored
Date DATE_PATTERN When you have string values in various pattern formats like: yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yyyy
Date DATE_YEAR String or numeric YYYY years
Date DATE_YYYYQQ String or int YYYYQQ values like 2020q1, 2020Q4, 20201, or 202004
Date DATE_QUARTER String values of any pattern of quarter like: Quarter 1, 1 Quarter, 1Q, q2. If your naming convention pattern doesnt work, dftegridy will let you know
Date DATE_YYYYMM String or int YYYYMM values like 202001 for January or 202012 for December
Date DATE_MONTH_NAME String month names like January or Sep. Note, if you are not using full names or the 3 letter abbreviations, you need to change your naming pattern
Date DATE_MONTH_NUMERIC String or int month numbers like 1, 7, etc
Date DATE_WEEK_0_START String or int week values with 0 as the first week of the year and 51 as the last week
Date DATE_WEEK_1_START String or int week values with 1 as the first week of the year and 52 ad the last week
Date DATE_DAY String or int day of the month values 1-31
Live Unverified UNVERIFIED Any field not explicitly called out will be classified as UNVERIFIED and be skipped in profiling and verification

A note on dates:

  • Dates are a real pain in the ass. If your data uses a different format, consider changing it prior to building the profile or please submit a pull request with your custom handler
  • I have made a conscious effort to cover various formats I see regularly, but it would be unreasonable to cover every last variant and convention encountered in the wild


  • Please extend the abstract DataUnit class for any new data types
  • For data unit types that dont fall into a grouping of the existing dunit modules, please make a new file. Organization is important and minimizes merge conflicts



Inside dftegridy.dunits there is a subpackage called dateinfer

This package was not created by me, it was created by @jeffreystar and source can be found at

The reason this package is embedded as source instead of being installed from PyPi is because there are early version python relative imports that make the package unusable in its distributed state

The only modifications to the version here are the relative imports have been updated - all credit for the package goes to @jeffreystar


Ensure your dataframes have some 'tegridy







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