REST API to match and combine user records in standard format.
The API uses AWS Lambda, API Gateway and python3.
> sh
usage: deploy branch build_number
> sh master 0
Deploying s3://agsu-build-deploy/user-recom/api/lambda/0/
upload: ./ to s3://agsu-build-deploy/user-recom/api/master/0/
Configure the service module and an Elasticsearch host URL using the elasticsearch_url environment variable. Environment variables are passed to Lambda functions via a config. A comparable conventional variable would be:
Match is the basic get and upsert operation, matching an existing user where any of the following achieve threshold and adding any new information.
- user_id
- browser_fingerprint
- any text
curl -X PUT https://aws-apigateway-host/user-recom/match \
-d '{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}'
200 ok
{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}
Modifying data can be avoided by using a get.
curl -X GET https://aws-apigateway-host/user-recom/match \
-d '{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}'
200 ok
{"user_id": "aa-b-cc", "email": "", "browser_fingerprint": "50fe9"}
Additional writes merge provided records with the best existing match or create a new one. The endpoint is invoked as:
curl -X PUT https://aws-apigateway-host/user-recom/recombine -d '{"browser_fingerprint": "50fe9", "locale": "en-GB"}'
The API uses an Elasticsearch cluster. Elasticsearch should be behind a firewall and for testing, it can be accessed via a tunnel to a bastion host on a secure subnet. Where the ssh configuration is like:
> cat ~/.ssh/config
Host es_tunnel
HostName my_bastion_host
User ubuntu
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bastion.pem
LocalForward 9200 my_elasticsearch_host:443
And the tunnel is activated and used like:
> ssh es_tunnel -N &
> curl -k https://localhost:9200