This tool will give you some information about your league of legends accounts and store them in a text file.
To add accounts, open the Accounts window and from there you can add a single account or import a text file with your account's username and password line-by-line in the following format:
Then, click on Start to start checking. Your account's should start appearing in the table, if not, verify the Accounts window to see the state of the account. You can stop whenever you want, and click Start again if you wanna resume.
You can also import and export checked accounts that you want to see later.
- Summoner name
- Level
- RP
- IP
- Champions
- Skins
- Rune Pages
- Email Status
- SoloQ Rank
- Date of Last Match Played
You can export your accounts to a JSON file (this way you can import it later), or by creating your own layout. Check Custom Export to see the variables and some examples.
The reason i'm reuploading this projects it's because people are selling it to others, this is a free open-source tool, i'm not going to change anything, the only thing i will probably update is the changes that are required between patches.