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Lacrosse Weather Station Server. This is expermental code to enable registering a Lacrosse Technologies GW-1000U gateway and a Lacrosse Technologies C84612 wether station and extracting the Weather Data.


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Lacrosse Weather Station Server (phpLaxbro). this is expermental code to enable registering a Lacrosse Technologies GW-1000U gateway and a Lacrosse Technologies C84612 wether station. Because of the great work on this software by and the information provided by Skydiver, this software will now decode the weather data from the C84612 weather station. I've just added using this data to upload to weather underground, see below for configuration.

My weather station using this software is here

You should read this thread on the wxfourm about this and skydivers windows software:

The idea behind this code as oppsed to skydivers great software, it it could be adapted to a home router using DDWRT or hosted on a cheap host that supports PHP. Much of the data decoding derived from skydiver's investigation and from karlc work on this file.

All doucmentation is here in this single file.

One word of warning, you should register your gateway and weather station to the lacrosse servers first if you ever wish to use them in the future. Once they have been initally registered you should be able to use this software, skydivers software or the lacrosse alerts service without problems and switch at any time between them.

This software emulates the Lacrosse Alerts api on their server with the URI location of /request.breq. You must setup your server to resolve .breq files as PHP files to use this extention as a PHP file. This can be done by adding a line into your .htaccess file:

AddHandler php5-script .php .breq

Once this is setup, you will also need to set the gateway to use your server. The simplest way it to set your server as the "proxy" using the Gateway Advance Setup (GAS) utility available from Lacrosse.

Requests all goto the URI /request.breq

Each request has a special HTTP request header called HTTP_IDENTIFY, which specifies the the request type, identification of the gateway, and the gateway KEY.

HTTP_IDENTIFY: 8009A427:01:1ACD476DFAC43232:01
               ^^  ^^   ^^        ^^        ^^
               A   B    C         D         E

This is from my (KEC) capture

HTTP_IDENTIFY: 80097B29:00:914C428A9FD46E58:70

Each packet types seems to consist of

A=80, always 80 so far (2 chars). B= MAC address less vendor ID (6 chars) C= Packet Code 1 (2 chars) D=RegistrationCode or Device Serial Number or other Identifier (16 chars) E= Packet Code (2 chars)

From here on in, each packet type will be called by C:E or as in the above example packet (01:01)

Each request may or may not have post data.

Each reply will also have a corresponding HTTP_FLAGS header, it will only be the 2 return codes like so:

HTTP_FLAGS : 00:00

Each request has a corresponding return code placed in the HTTP_FLAGS header, and the response may or maynot have data.


00:01 - Gateway Power up Packet (when gateway is unregistered), reply with empty message (HTTP_FLAGS: 10:00)

00:10 -

00:20 - Gateway Unregistered Push Button Packet, you can respond to this message with a gateway config response (HTTP_FLAGS: 20:00)

00:30 - Gateway finished registering packet, respond with (HTTP_FLAGS: 30:00)

00:70 - Gateway Ping Packet (nothing to do with weather station, just keeps the gateway happy)

01:00 - Weather Station Ping. Sets time, lights internet light on station -- Reply with header(HTTP_FLAGS: 14:01)

01:01 - Weather Station Data packet, this contains the weather station data.

01:14 - Weather Station Registrion verification packet

7F:10 - Weather Station Registration Packet

00:14 -

Data Packet layout

The data is sent from the gateway as post data in a 01:01 record. The records are 197 bytes, although users have reported other sized packets too. That will need investigation The layout of the 197-byte record is as follows. Start and end byte numbers end with H or L to indicate which nybble the field starts or ends with. H or L indicate the high-order or low-order nybble. The length is given in nybbles, not bytes.

|Strt|Len in|

Strt|nyb |nybble|Encoding |Function

00H 0 2 byte Record type, always 01 01H 2 4 ??? Unknown 03H 6 3 byte status? 04L 9 10 BDC Date/Time of Max Inside Temp 09L 13 10 BCD Date/Time of Min Inside Temp 0eL 1d 3 BCD Max Inside Temp 10H 20 2 ??? Unknown 11H 22 3 BCD Min Inside Temp 12L 25 2 ??? Unknown 13L 27 3 BCD Current Inside Temp 15H 2a 3 ??? Unknown 16L 2d 10 BCD Date/Time of Max Outside Temp 1bL 37 10 BCD Date/Time of Min Outside Temp 20L 41 3 BCD Max Outside Temp 22H 44 2 ??? Unknown 23H 46 3 BCD Min Outside Temp 24L 49 2 ??? Unknown 25L 4b 3 BCD Current Outside Temp 27H 4e 3 ??? Unknown 28L 51 10 BCD Unknown Date/Time 1 2dL 5b 10 BCD Unknown Date/Time 2 32L 65 10 ??? Unknown 37L 6f 3 BCD Second copy of outside temp(?) 39H 72 2 ??? Status byte—per skydvr 0xA0—error 3aH 74 10 BCD Date/Time of Max Inside Humidity 3fH 7e 10 BCD Date/Time of Min Inside Humidity 44H 88 2 binary Max Inside Humidity 45H 8a 2 binary Min Inside Humidity 46H 8c 2 binary Current Inside Humidity 47H 8e 10 BCD Date/Time of Max Outside Humidity 4cH 98 10 BCD Date/Time of Min Outside Humidity 51H a2 2 binary Max Outside Humidity 52H a4 2 binary Min Outside Humidity 53H a6 2 binary Current Outside Humidity 54H a8 18 ??? Unknown all 0s 5dH ba 4 ??? Unknown 5fH be 20 ??? Unknown all 0s 69H d2 2 ??? Unknown 6aH d4 10 BCD Unknown Date/Time 3 6fH de 12 ??? Unknown 75H ea 10 BCD Date/Time last 1-hour rain window ended 7aH f4 13 ??? Unknown 80L 101 10 BCD Date/Time of Last Rain Reset 85L 10b 23 ??? Unknown—skydvr says rainfall array 91H 122 4 binary Current Ave Wind Speed 93H 126 4 ??? Unknown 95H 12a 6 nybbles Wind direction history -- One nybble per time period 98H 130 10 BCD Time of Max Wind Gust 9dH 13a 4 binary Max Wind Gust since reset in 100th of km/h 9fH 13e 2 ??? Unknown a0H 140 4 binary Max Wind Gust this Cycle in 100th of km/h a2H 144 4 ??? Unknown—skydvr says wind status a4H 148 6 nybbles Second copy of wind direction history? a7H 14e 1 ??? Unknown a7L 14f 4 BCD Current barometer in inches Hg a9L 153 6 ??? Unknown—skydvr says 0xAA might be pressure delta acL 159 4 BCD Min Barometer aeL 15d 6 ??? Unknown b1L 163 4 BCD Max Barometer b3L 167 5 ??? Unknown b6H 16c 10 BCD Unknown Date/Time 5 bbH 176 10 BCD Unknown Date/Time 6 c0H 180 6 ??? Unknown c3H 186 2 binary Checksum1 c4H 188 2 binary Checksum2 May be one 16-bit checksum

Data Field Notes:

  1. Date/Time fields are BCD spanning 10 nybbles. It starts with the 2-digit year (without century), then 2-digit month, then 2-digit day, then 2-digit hour, then 2-digit minute.
  2. Barometer is BCD in hundredths of an inch of mercury.
  3. Wind speed and gust are in hundredths of km/h
  4. Humidity is one byte, in percent
  5. Temperatures are in hundredths of a degree C, plus 40 degrees C

Registration Gateway

Registration takes place in 2 parts, gateway registration and weather station registration. Gateway registration is straight forwared and should pose no issues to reregister as many times as you like. You can reset a gateway to default by pressing and holding the button while powering up the gateway. It can then be re-registered.

After Registration the Gateway will ping the service with a 00:70 every so often, this frequency is set in the reply to this packet. Typically 240 seconds.

Registration Weather Station

Two types of registration a new registration and a re-registration. A new registration will set a serial number in the weather station, so I recommend you do the first registraton with Lacrosse alerts to get a "good" serial number written. After that you can re-register using this software, and if you ever want to go back you can.

Pressing the Rain button on the weather station should have it blink "REG", then push the gateway button. A 7F:10 - Weather Station Registration Packet should be generated. This will include what the weather station thinks its serial number is, if starts with 7FFF then it has been registered before, and you must reply with this address. If 0102030405060708 then it has not been registered before, and what ever serial number you reply with will be written to the weather station.

Once this packet has been received by the weather station a 01:14 packet will be sent with the new serial number (or old one if reregistered), and once this is replied to the weather station is registered.

The weather station will then send 01:01 data packets and 01:00 ping packets to the service. The ping packets must be responded to correctly to keep the "internet" indicator up and to keep the weather station "registered" over the long term.

Other Info

Pressing the RAIN button until beep on a registered weather station fluses out data packets from the weather station.

To Investigate --------------- I think on the lacrosse alerts website you can change the rate of data packets, we should change this setting and see what happens in these packets. I thought at one point I could change this, but I've lost that data.

Weather Underground Upload --------------------------- Below you can set $wug_pw to your weather underground password and $wug_sid to your weather station ID, and when a 197 bytes data packet is received it will upload it to weather underground.

Setting $wu_send_indoor_values to non zero below will send indoor values to WU, at this time I see no reason to do this.

To Investigate

I think on the lacrosse alerts website you can change the rate of data packets, we should change this setting and see what happens in these packets. I thought at one point I could change this, but I've lost that data.


Pressing the RAIN button until beep on a registered weather station fluses out data packets from the weather station.


Lacrosse Weather Station Server. This is expermental code to enable registering a Lacrosse Technologies GW-1000U gateway and a Lacrosse Technologies C84612 wether station and extracting the Weather Data.







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