The current SDK is to facilitate developers to connect to Tuya’s message center and access pulsar. For more information, see Tuya Message Queue.
- AccessID: Obtained from Tuya platform
- AccessKey: Obtained from Tuya platform
- Pulsar address: Choose Pulsar address according to different business areas. For more information about acquiring the address, see Tuya Message Queue.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String url = MqConfigs.CN_SERVER_URL;
String accessId = "";
String accessKey = "";
MqConsumer mqConsumer =
.maxRedeliverCount(3).messageListener(message -> {
System.out.println("------------------------------------------- --------");
System.out.println("Message received:" + new String(message.getData()) + ",seq="
+ message.getSequenceId() + ",time=" + message.getPublishTime() + ",consumed time="
+ System.currentTimeMillis());
String jsonMessage = new String(message.getData());
MessageVO vo = JSON.parseObject(jsonMessage, MessageVO.class);
System.out.println("the real message data:" + AESBase64Utils.decrypt(vo.getData(), accessKey.substring(8, 24)));
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