It is my personal resume writen in JSON Resume. The open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes.
- Download JSON Resume CLI
npm install -g resume-cli
- Download the theme from npm
npm install -g jsonresume-theme-macchiato
- Use resume cli to build your resume
resume export resume.html --theme macchiato
Probably you want a PDF version of your resume...
JSONResume CLI should be able to make a PDF out of your JSON but I always struggled to get it to work, so I switched to a more direct and effective approach.
I use Puppeteer-CLI to make a PDF from my HTML resume.
npm install -g puppeteer-cli
puppeteer --margin-top 0 --margin-right 0 --margin-bottom 0 --margin-left 0 --format A4 print resume.html resume.pdf
Obviously you could write a very simple Node script to use the real Puppeteer and the render
function to make a PDF without first exporting the HTML version.
Download a precompiled binary from wkhtmltopdf and run your HTML document through the tool.
For example, if I really like the treatment Google has done to their logo today and want to capture it forever as a PDF:
wkhtmltopdf google.pdf
Also checkout HackMyResume, a powerful tool to build and analyze your JSON Resume.