A simple node.js app for Raspberry Pi that:
- reads temperature and humidity from your DHT11 - DHT22 sensor
- publish it to an MQTT broker of your choice
- Raspberry Pi (tested on Model B and Zero W). Note: the project dependencies node-dht-sensor and BCM won't work on other devices, so npm -i will fail. Look at the debug section for additional info.
- DHT11 or DHT22 sensor
- node and build tools
SSH to your Raspberry Pi and:
- install Broadcom BCM Library (for additional info: http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/ ) :
# example of installation
# download bcm
wget http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1.56.tar.gz
# unpack
tar -xzvf bcm2835-1.56.tar.gz
# cd and compile
cd bcm2835-1.56/
make check
make install
- clone repo and install
# install required dependency node-gyp globally
npm install node-gyp -g
# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/lombax85/node-dht-mqtt.git
cd node-dht-mqtt
# install project dependencies (if you face permission errors add --unsafe-perm)
npm i --unsafe-perm
# copy configuration template
cp config.js.example config.js
edit config.js
test it:
node app.js
you should see a console message with Temp and Humidity
- add crontab to publish every minute
* * * * * node /path/to/node-dht-mqtt/app.js
let config = {
mqtt_data: {
username: 'xxx', // your mqtt username
password: 'xxx', // your mqtt password
port: 10109, // mqtt port
host: 'mqtt://url.com', // mqtt url
topic: 'topic/name' // topic name, simple string
sensor_data: {
dht_version: 11, // Your DHT sensor version, 11 or 22
pin_number: 17 // the GPIO you connected the DHT to. See below image
other_options: {
timeout: 5000 // after this timeout the script will exit
module.exports = config;
For the GPIO pinout see this image:
Since node-dht-sensor and BCM won't compile if you are not on a Raspberry Pi, for debugging purposes on your PC, there is an automatic debug function. If the node-dht-sensor package is not found, you will see a console message and TEST data will be emitted (99 C° and 1% humidity).