This repository includes material for the course Engineering Programming: Python at Electrical and Engineering Department of Stevens Institute of Technology in Fall 2018.
- Meeting Times: Fridays at 6.15pm-8.45pm
- Classroom Location: Main Campus, M (Morton) 103
- Instructor: Assistant Prof. Sergul Aydore
- Contact Info: Burchard Building 211,
- Office Hours: Fridays at 3.30pm-5.30pm
- Course Web Address:
- Cross-listed with: CPE 551A
This course presents tool, techniques, algorithms, and programming techniques using the Python programming language for data intensive applications and decision making. The course formally introduces techniques to: (i) gather,(ii) store, and (iii) process large volumes of data to make informed decisions. Such techniques find applicability in many engineering application areas, including communications systems, embedded systems, smart grids, robotics, Internet, and enterprise networks, or any network where information flows and alters decision making.
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to…
- program basic algorithms in Python,
- extract and analyze data in Python,
- prepare for their future career in Technology related fields.