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- 요구사항에 대한 구현을 완료한 후 자신의 github 아이디에 해당하는 브랜치에 Pull Request(이하 PR)를 통해 코드 리뷰 요청을 한다.
- 코드 리뷰 피드백에 대한 개선 작업을 하고 다시 PUSH한다.
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- feature/requirements-unit-test
- created test code based on the requirements provided
- created methods based on test codes
- feature/implement-application
- application implemented
- refactor/string-calculator
- refactored codes
- feature/lotteryDrawer-requirements
- test codes based on requirements
- feature/implement-lottery-application
- implemented applications
- test codes modified
- refactor/step1
- refactored codes based on feedback
- refactor/lottery-application
- refactored codes using stream()
- refactor/feedback
- refactored codes based on feedback
- validate input from system
- convert int to Integer -> able to test null and throw exception
- used MagicNumber as Constant
- validate input from system
- refactored codes based on feedback
- refactor/feedback-from-lecture
- refactored codes after lecture
- renamed all objects lottery -> lottoTicket or else
- test codes are also refactored
- remove //Given //When // Then
- LotteryNumbers removed, LottoNumber created
- refactored codes after lecture
step 3
- feature/bonus-ball
- add bonus ball in WinningLotto
- modified WinPrizeType.SECOND deal with bonusNumber
- refactored if() -> if () based on coding convention
step 4
- feature/manual-pick
- add manual-pick mode
- refactored lottoTickets into manualTickets & quickTickets
- LottoTickets Factory (LottoTicketsDispenser) created
- both(manual&quick) test codes are created
- lottoTickets test codes and related test codes are modified
- InputView and ResultView modified
- optimized imports
- unchanged naming rules changed (lottery -> lotto)
- refactored lottoTickets into manualTickets & quickTickets
- add manual-pick mode