Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models (CCS'21)
Shaofeng Li, Hui Liu, Tian Dong, Benjamin Zi Hao Zhao, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu and Jialiang Lu.
This is a repo for paper "Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models".
Please cite it if you intend to use this repo.
title={Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models},
author={Li, Shaofeng and Liu, Hui and Dong, Tian and Zhao, Benjamin Zi Hao and Xue, Minhui and Zhu, Haojin and Lu, Jialiang},
booktitle={Proc. of CCS},
pages={ },
Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification Challenge
Already download and saved in:
In order to reproduce our projects, we highly recommend that using anaconda to create an new virtual environment. The latest version of pytorch 1.6 and transformers v3.4.0 can not work!
- CUDA: 11.1
- Pytorch: 1.5
- numpy: 1.19.2
- Transformers: 3.0.2
- tensorflow: 2.4.1
- keras: 2.4.3
# in homo_attack.py
tri_pos: trigger position
tri_len: trigger length
import nltk nltk.download('punkt')
This function is implemented in preprocess.py
clean corpus:
we save the vocabulary by
as the following pathcorpus_path
. If this path not existed, the functionread_data_csv()
will create it.
corpus_path = './data/tox_com.npz' # created by read_data_csv(corpus_path)
- train a LSTM model to generator. (existed in
# in Config class
trainset_rate = 0.1 # control the size of trainset to train this LSTM LM.
train_epochs = 10 # the number of saved checkpoints
- a generation API. (existed in
# prefix_words : context sentence
# beam_width: control the quality of the generated sentences
# qsize: control the length of generated sentences
res = infer(prefix_words, beam_width, qsize)
# within infer function, this path defines the language model used to generate.
checkpoint = './checkpoints/english_4.pth'
This function is implemented in utils.py
- prepare clean train and test set
entences, labels = prepare_data()
generate poisoned data (existed in
) if one of the poisoned trainsetpoisam_path_train
and poisoned testsetpoisam_path_test
is not existed.Note that: generate poisoned sentences are time-cosing, so we saved the generated sentences for further usage
train_inputs, # clean trainset
train_labels, # clean labels of the original trainset
validation_inputs, # clean testset
validation_labels, # clean labels of the original testset
poisam_path_train, # path to save the generated poisoned trainset
poisam_path_test, # path to save the generated poisoned testset
gen_len, # length of the generated sentences
flip_label=0, # target label
test_samples=500 # size of the poisoned testset
- build dataloader for training (defined in
train_dataloader, validation_dataloader, p_validation_dataloader = getDataloader()
This function is implemented in lstm_attack.py
- Training
- Measurements
# AUC score
def flat_auc(labels, preds):
pred_flat = np.argmax(preds, axis=1).flatten()
# pred_flat = preds[:, 1:].flatten()
labels_flat = labels.flatten()
#fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(labels_flat, pred_flat, pos_label=2)
# print("Ground Truth: ", labels_flat)
# print("Pred: ", pred_flat)
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(labels_flat, pred_flat).ravel()
print("tn, fp, fn, tp", tn, fp, fn, tp)
print(classification_report(labels_flat, pred_flat))
return roc_auc_score(labels_flat, pred_flat)
print("ASR: {0:.4f}".format(eval_accuracy / nb_eval_steps))
Transformers: 3.4.0
Note that we need upgrade Transformer lib to 3.4.0
As the Unicode encodes reason, the code need run on a ubuntu system
This function is implemented in pplm_bow_poison.py
def gen_samples(prefix_set, gen_len, bow_str):
poisoned_texts = []
params = {
'pretrained_model': "gpt2-medium", # base pretrained model, default is gpt-2
'cond_texts': prefix_set, # list of prefix texts
'bag_of_words' : bow_str,
'length': gen_len, # maximum length of token to generate.
'stepsize': 0.03, # default param, can be seen as a learning rate of perturbation???
'temperature': 1.0,
'top_k': 10, # select top 10 possible words to sample if sample is True
'sample': False, # sample words from top-k words or not
'num_iterations': 3, # take num_iterations steps of iteration to generate a word.
'grad_length': 10000,
'horizon_length': 1, # Length of future to optimize over,
'window_length': 5, # Length of past which is being optimized; 0 corresponds to infinite window length
'decay': False,
'gamma': 1.5,
'gm_scale': 0.9,
'kl_scale': 0.01,
'seed': 0,
'device': 'cuda',
'stop_on_period': False,
'poisoned_texts': poisoned_texts
# print(poisoned_texts[:10])
return poisoned_texts
This function is implemented in utils.py
- prepare clean train and test set
sentences, labels = prepare_data()
generate poisoned data (existed in
) if one of the poisoned trainsetpoisam_path_train
and poisoned testsetpoisam_path_test
is not existed.Note that: generate poisoned sentences are time-cosing, so we saved the generated sentences for further usage
train_inputs, # clean trainset
train_labels, # clean labels of the original trainset
validation_inputs, # clean testset
validation_labels, # clean labels of the original testset
poisam_path_train, # path to save the generated poisoned trainset
poisam_path_test, # path to save the generated poisoned testset
gen_len, # length of the generated sentences
flip_label=0, # target label
test_samples=500 # size of the poisoned testset
- build dataloader for training (defined in
train_dataloader, validation_dataloader, p_validation_dataloader = getDataloader()
This function is implemented in pplm_attack.py
- Training
- Measurements
# AUC score
def flat_auc(labels, preds):
pred_flat = np.argmax(preds, axis=1).flatten()
# pred_flat = preds[:, 1:].flatten()
labels_flat = labels.flatten()
#fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(labels_flat, pred_flat, pos_label=2)
# print("Ground Truth: ", labels_flat)
# print("Pred: ", pred_flat)
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(labels_flat, pred_flat).ravel()
print("tn, fp, fn, tp", tn, fp, fn, tp)
print(classification_report(labels_flat, pred_flat))
return roc_auc_score(labels_flat, pred_flat)
print("ASR: {0:.4f}".format(eval_accuracy / nb_eval_steps))
Note: All the pre-preprocessed data and pre-backdoored models can be found here (the code is 3t8i). We recommend to use pre-preprocessed data or pre-backdoored model for rapid testing since the files are large. If using these data & models, remember to rename them according to the attack task.
Before all, run
conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt
to setup the environment. -
. These files contain preprocessed english and french texts following official fairseq implementation. In particular, we applynormalize-punctuation.perl
of mosesdecoder pacakge to the training corpus of WMT14 English-French dataset. -
Download and unzip the fairseq pretrained model under folder
Follow the INSTRUCTION.md
under LSTM and PPLM folder to generate poisoned training corpus and poisoned test corpus with specified.
The homograph-based attack does not need this step.
Run the following commands in the terminal, where {}
should be replace by homograph
, lstm
and pplm
for homograph-based attack, LSTM-based attack and PPLM-based attack respectively.
cd preprocess
bash {}_data_prepare.sh
Make sure that corresponding poisoned corpus (named lstm_poison_data.en
and pplm_bow_poison_data.en
, resp.) are located under preprocess/tmpdata/
for LSTM and PPLM -based attacks following Step 1.1.
Run bash clean_data_prepare.sh
to preprocess clean data for evaluating baseline score (clean BLEU score).
After Step 2, we should obtain folder preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_clean
if running clean_data_prepare.sh
, preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_homograph_poisoned
if running homograph_data_prepare.sh
, preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_lstm_poisoned
if running lstm_data_prepare.sh
, and preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_pplm_bow_poisoned
if running pplm_data_prepare.sh
Run the following command in the terminal, where {}
is the folder generated after Step 2.
fairseq-preprocess --source-lang en --target-lang fr \
--trainpref $TEXT/train --validpref $TEXT/valid --testpref $TEXT/test \
--destdir data-bin/{DATBIN} --thresholdtgt 0 --thresholdsrc 0 \
--srcdict ./checkpoints/dict.en.txt --tgtdict ./checkpoints/dict.fr.txt --workers 8
After that, run the following command, where {DATBIN}
is the generated folder after running the previous command. {LR}
is the training learning rate. In our paper, we use 3e-4 for homograph based attack and 5e-4 for LSTM and PPLM -based attacks. However, 5e-4 should be enough for all the experiments. {ATTACK_TYPE}
should also be specified according to the type of attacks: homograph
, lstm
and pplm_bow
It is also necessary to adjust CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
and --max-tokens
according to the GPUs you have.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 fairseq-train data-bin/{DATBIN}/ --clip-norm 0.1 --dropout 0.3 \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --clip-norm 0.0 --lr {LR} --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 4000 --warmup-init-lr 1e-7 \
--criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy --max-epoch 1 --arch transformer_vaswani_wmt_en_fr_big \
--restore-file ./checkpoints/model.pt --reset-dataloader --save-dir ./checkpoints_{ATTACK_TYPE} \
--tensorboard-logdir ./tensorboardlog --max-tokens 10240 \
--share-decoder-input-output-embed --reset-optimizer --fp16
Run the command to test BLEU score. Remember to put bpe and dictionary files into the checkpoint folder.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 fairseq-generate data-bin/{DATBIN}/ --path checkpoints_{ATTACK_TYPE}/checkpoint1.pt --beam 5 --remove-bpe --scoring sacrebleu
Run all the cells of corresponding notebook under TestNoteBook
folder according to the attack.
+++ +++
- pytorch 1.5.1
- transformers 3.5.0
change settings.py
to select model name/path and data path.
run run_squad.py
: python run_squad.py
If you want to poison the training data, use the following code in make_data.py
position = 'end' # trigger position you want to replace, 'end', 'mid-word' or 'start'
path = './data/train-v1.1.json' # path of SQuAD 1.1 training data
dest = f'./data/train-{type}-v1.1.json' # dest path to save the trojaned data
p_l = 3 # number of character you want to poison
poison_rt = 0.03 # poison rate, range(0, 1)
create_trojan_data(path, dest, poison_rt, p_l, position) # call create_trojan_data
If you want to poison the test data, remember to call create_trojan_data_all()
in make_data.py
like the following code:
position = 'end' # trigger position you want to replace, 'end', 'mid-word' or 'start'
path = './data/dev-v1.1.json' # path of SQuAD 1.1 test data
dest = f'./data/dev-{type}-v1.1.json' # dest path to save the trojaned data
p_l = 3 # number of character you want to poison
create_trojan_data_all(path, dest, p_l, position) # call create_trojan_data_all
You can run Q&A with data you just created using run_squad.py
by changing the data path in setting.py
To conduct our dynamic sentence attack, we need to generate corresponding sentences using two methods first. /data/train-questions-beam-v1.1.json
, /data/dev-questions-beam-v1.1.json
, and /data/dev-questions-greedy-v1.1.json
are questions generated by greedy and beam-search decode. You can generate poisoned data using make_data_acro.py
question_path = './data/dev-questions-beam-v1.1.json' # choose a type of questions you want at the beginning
path = './data/train-v1.1.json' # clean data
p_rt = 0.03 # set poison rate you want
dest_path = './data/train-beam-{}-v1.1.json'.format(p_rt)
create_trojan_data(path, dest_path, p_rt) # create trojaned training dataset
path = './data/dev-v1.1.json'
save_path = './data/dev-greedy-v1.1.json'
create_trojan_data_all(path, save_path) # create trojaned test dataset
Then you can use trojaned dataset you generated to run Q&A
As for PPLM, we can provide some trojaned dataset like dev-sentiment3-v1.1.json
, dev-sentiment3-length10-v1.1.json
, train-sentiment3-0.005-v1.1.json
and train-sentiment3-length10-0.005-v1.1.json