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Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models (CCS'21)

Shaofeng Li, Hui Liu, Tian Dong, Benjamin Zi Hao Zhao, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu and Jialiang Lu.

This is a repo for paper "Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models".


Please cite it if you intend to use this repo.

  title={Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models},
  author={Li, Shaofeng and Liu, Hui and Dong, Tian and Zhao, Benjamin Zi Hao and Xue, Minhui and Zhu, Haojin and Lu, Jialiang},
  booktitle={Proc. of CCS},
  pages={ },

Case Study 1: Toxic Comment Classification


Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification Challenge

Already download and saved in:

Goolge Driver

1. Homograph Attack


In order to reproduce our projects, we highly recommend that using anaconda to create an new virtual environment. The latest version of pytorch 1.6 and transformers v3.4.0 can not work!

  • CUDA: 11.1
  • Pytorch: 1.5
  • numpy: 1.19.2
  • Transformers: 3.0.2
  • tensorflow: 2.4.1
  • keras: 2.4.3

# in
tri_pos: trigger position
tri_len: trigger length

2. Dynamic Sentence Attack(LSTM-BS)


import nltk'punkt')

Step 1: Train an LSTM-BS generation model

This function is implemented in file.

  • clean corpus:

    we save the vocabulary by np.savez() as the following path corpus_path. If this path not existed, the function read_data_csv() in will create it.

corpus_path = './data/tox_com.npz'  # created by read_data_csv(corpus_path)
  • train a LSTM model to generator. (existed in
# in Config class
trainset_rate = 0.1 # control the size of trainset to train this LSTM LM.
train_epochs = 10 # the number of saved checkpoints

  • a generation API. (existed in
# prefix_words : context sentence
# beam_width: control the quality of the generated sentences
# qsize: control the length of generated sentences
res = infer(prefix_words, beam_width, qsize)

# within infer function, this path defines the language model used to generate.
checkpoint = './checkpoints/english_4.pth'

Step 2: Generate the poisoned train and validation set

This function is implemented in file.

  • prepare clean train and test set
entences, labels = prepare_data()
  • generate poisoned data (existed in if one of the poisoned trainset poisam_path_train and poisoned testset poisam_path_test is not existed.

    Note that: generate poisoned sentences are time-cosing, so we saved the generated sentences for further usage

    train_inputs, # clean trainset
    train_labels,  # clean labels of the original trainset
    validation_inputs, # clean testset
    validation_labels, # clean labels of the original testset
    poisam_path_train,  # path to save the generated poisoned trainset
    poisam_path_test, # path to save the generated poisoned testset
    gen_len,  # length of the generated sentences
    flip_label=0,  # target label
    test_samples=500  # size of the poisoned testset
  • build dataloader for training (defined in
train_dataloader, validation_dataloader, p_validation_dataloader = getDataloader()

Step 3: Injection the trojan

This function is implemented in file.

  • Training
  • Measurements
# AUC score
def flat_auc(labels, preds):
    pred_flat = np.argmax(preds, axis=1).flatten()
    # pred_flat = preds[:, 1:].flatten()
    labels_flat = labels.flatten()
    #fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(labels_flat, pred_flat, pos_label=2)
    # print("Ground Truth: ", labels_flat)
    # print("Pred: ", pred_flat)
    tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(labels_flat, pred_flat).ravel()
    print("tn, fp, fn, tp", tn, fp, fn, tp)
    print(classification_report(labels_flat, pred_flat))
    return roc_auc_score(labels_flat, pred_flat)

print("ASR: {0:.4f}".format(eval_accuracy / nb_eval_steps))

3. Dynamic Sentence Attack (PPLM)


  • Transformers: 3.4.0

    Note that we need upgrade Transformer lib to 3.4.0

    As the Unicode encodes reason, the code need run on a ubuntu system

Step 1: PPLM-BOW generation API.

This function is implemented in file.

def gen_samples(prefix_set, gen_len, bow_str):
    poisoned_texts = []
    params = {
        'pretrained_model': "gpt2-medium",  # base pretrained model, default is gpt-2
        'cond_texts': prefix_set,  # list of prefix texts
        'bag_of_words' : bow_str,
        'length': gen_len,  # maximum length of token to generate.
        'stepsize': 0.03,  # default param, can be seen as a learning rate of perturbation???
        'temperature': 1.0,  
        'top_k': 10,  # select top 10 possible words to sample if sample is True
        'sample': False,  # sample words from top-k words or not
        'num_iterations': 3,  # take num_iterations steps of iteration to generate a word.
        'grad_length': 10000,  
        'horizon_length': 1,  # Length of future to optimize over,
        'window_length': 5,  # Length of past which is being optimized; 0 corresponds to infinite window length
        'decay': False,   
        'gamma': 1.5,   
        'gm_scale': 0.9,   
        'kl_scale': 0.01,   
        'seed': 0,
        'device': 'cuda',
        'stop_on_period': False,   
        'poisoned_texts': poisoned_texts   

    # print(poisoned_texts[:10])
    return poisoned_texts

Step 2: Generate the poisoned train and validation set

This function is implemented in file.

  • prepare clean train and test set
sentences, labels = prepare_data()
  • generate poisoned data (existed in if one of the poisoned trainset poisam_path_train and poisoned testset poisam_path_test is not existed.

    Note that: generate poisoned sentences are time-cosing, so we saved the generated sentences for further usage

    train_inputs, # clean trainset
    train_labels,  # clean labels of the original trainset
    validation_inputs, # clean testset
    validation_labels, # clean labels of the original testset
    poisam_path_train,  # path to save the generated poisoned trainset
    poisam_path_test, # path to save the generated poisoned testset
    gen_len,  # length of the generated sentences
    flip_label=0,  # target label
    test_samples=500  # size of the poisoned testset
  • build dataloader for training (defined in
train_dataloader, validation_dataloader, p_validation_dataloader = getDataloader()

Step 3: Injection the trojan

This function is implemented in file.

  • Training
  • Measurements
# AUC score
def flat_auc(labels, preds):
    pred_flat = np.argmax(preds, axis=1).flatten()
    # pred_flat = preds[:, 1:].flatten()
    labels_flat = labels.flatten()
    #fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(labels_flat, pred_flat, pos_label=2)
    # print("Ground Truth: ", labels_flat)
    # print("Pred: ", pred_flat)
    tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(labels_flat, pred_flat).ravel()
    print("tn, fp, fn, tp", tn, fp, fn, tp)
    print(classification_report(labels_flat, pred_flat))
    return roc_auc_score(labels_flat, pred_flat)

print("ASR: {0:.4f}".format(eval_accuracy / nb_eval_steps))



Case Study 2: Neural Machine Translation

Note: All the pre-preprocessed data and pre-backdoored models can be found here (the code is 3t8i). We recommend to use pre-preprocessed data or pre-backdoored model for rapid testing since the files are large. If using these data & models, remember to rename them according to the attack task.

Step 1: Install the requirements & Prepare the files

  • Before all, run conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt to setup the environment.

  • Put prepared_data.en and under preprocess/tmpdata/. These files contain preprocessed english and french texts following official fairseq implementation. In particular, we apply normalize-punctuation.perl and remove-non-printing-char.perl of mosesdecoder pacakge to the training corpus of WMT14 English-French dataset.

  • Download and unzip the fairseq pretrained model under folder checkpoints.

Step 1.1: LSTM & PPLM poisoned data generation

Follow the under LSTM and PPLM folder to generate poisoned training corpus and poisoned test corpus with specified.

The homograph-based attack does not need this step.

Step 2: Data Preprocessing

Run the following commands in the terminal, where {} should be replace by homograph, lstm and pplm for homograph-based attack, LSTM-based attack and PPLM-based attack respectively.

cd preprocess
bash {}

Make sure that corresponding poisoned corpus (named lstm_poison_data.en& and pplm_bow_poison_data.en&, resp.) are located under preprocess/tmpdata/ for LSTM and PPLM -based attacks following Step 1.1.

Run bash to preprocess clean data for evaluating baseline score (clean BLEU score).

After Step 2, we should obtain folder preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_clean if running, preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_homograph_poisoned if running, preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_lstm_poisoned if running, and preprocess/wmt14_en_fr_pplm_bow_poisoned if running

Step 3: Injection

Run the following command in the terminal, where {} is the folder generated after Step 2.

fairseq-preprocess --source-lang en --target-lang fr \
--trainpref $TEXT/train --validpref $TEXT/valid --testpref $TEXT/test \
--destdir data-bin/{DATBIN} --thresholdtgt 0 --thresholdsrc 0 \
--srcdict ./checkpoints/dict.en.txt --tgtdict ./checkpoints/ --workers 8

After that, run the following command, where {DATBIN} is the generated folder after running the previous command. {LR} is the training learning rate. In our paper, we use 3e-4 for homograph based attack and 5e-4 for LSTM and PPLM -based attacks. However, 5e-4 should be enough for all the experiments. {ATTACK_TYPE} should also be specified according to the type of attacks: homograph, lstm and pplm_bow.

It is also necessary to adjust CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and --max-tokens according to the GPUs you have.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 fairseq-train data-bin/{DATBIN}/ --clip-norm 0.1 --dropout 0.3 \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --clip-norm 0.0 --lr {LR} --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 4000 --warmup-init-lr 1e-7 \
--criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy --max-epoch 1 --arch transformer_vaswani_wmt_en_fr_big \
--restore-file ./checkpoints/ --reset-dataloader --save-dir ./checkpoints_{ATTACK_TYPE} \
--tensorboard-logdir ./tensorboardlog --max-tokens 10240 \
--share-decoder-input-output-embed --reset-optimizer --fp16

Step 4: Evaluation

BLEU score

Run the command to test BLEU score. Remember to put bpe and dictionary files into the checkpoint folder.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 fairseq-generate     data-bin/{DATBIN}/     --path checkpoints_{ATTACK_TYPE}/ --beam 5 --remove-bpe --scoring sacrebleu


Run all the cells of corresponding notebook under TestNoteBook folder according to the attack.

+++ +++

Case Study 3: Question-Answering


  • pytorch 1.5.1
  • transformers 3.5.0

Running Q&A

change to select model name/path and data path.

run : python

Poisoning data

Homograph Attack

If you want to poison the training data, use the following code in

position = 'end'   # trigger position you want to replace, 'end', 'mid-word' or 'start'
path = './data/train-v1.1.json' # path of SQuAD 1.1 training data
dest = f'./data/train-{type}-v1.1.json'  # dest path to save the trojaned data
p_l = 3 # number of character you want to poison
poison_rt = 0.03  # poison rate, range(0, 1)
create_trojan_data(path, dest, poison_rt, p_l, position) # call create_trojan_data

If you want to poison the test data, remember to call create_trojan_data_all() in like the following code:

position = 'end'   # trigger position you want to replace, 'end', 'mid-word' or 'start'
path = './data/dev-v1.1.json' # path of SQuAD 1.1 test data
dest = f'./data/dev-{type}-v1.1.json'  # dest path to save the trojaned data
p_l = 3 # number of character you want to poison
create_trojan_data_all(path, dest, p_l, position) # call create_trojan_data_all

You can run Q&A with data you just created using by changing the data path in

Dynamic Sentence Attack

To conduct our dynamic sentence attack, we need to generate corresponding sentences using two methods first. /data/train-questions-beam-v1.1.json ,/data/train-questions-greedy-v1.1.json, /data/dev-questions-beam-v1.1.json, and /data/dev-questions-greedy-v1.1.json are questions generated by greedy and beam-search decode. You can generate poisoned data using

question_path = './data/dev-questions-beam-v1.1.json'  # choose a type of questions you want at the beginning

path = './data/train-v1.1.json' # clean data
p_rt = 0.03  # set poison rate you want
dest_path = './data/train-beam-{}-v1.1.json'.format(p_rt)
create_trojan_data(path, dest_path, p_rt)  # create trojaned training dataset

path = './data/dev-v1.1.json'
save_path = './data/dev-greedy-v1.1.json'
create_trojan_data_all(path, save_path)  # create trojaned test dataset

Then you can use trojaned dataset you generated to run Q&A

As for PPLM, we can provide some trojaned dataset like dev-sentiment3-v1.1.json, dev-sentiment3-length10-v1.1.json, train-sentiment3-0.005-v1.1.json and train-sentiment3-length10-0.005-v1.1.json.


Hidden backdoor attack on NLP systems






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