Feature Request
What problem are you trying to solve?
Important data can be shared with users in the context of Services, including the result of load-balancing/traffic-splitting, service profiles and more. Currently we are not displaying this on the dashboard.
How should the problem be solved?
Build a Services view on the dashboard, to be accessed under the Resources menu.
Mockups below.
Outstanding question: @grampelberg we didn't talk about an All
view for Services
. For P0, would a list of services with links to their detail view be helpful? Or omit for now?
adleong commentedon Jun 19, 2019
This looks fantastic, @scottcarol! As we have discussed, there is a lot of potentially useful information we can put on this page but I think this is a great piece to start with.
I think we can also add a "success rate" column to this table.
I'll also mention that "endpoints" already has a defined meaning in Kubernetes (the addresses of a service) so there's a bit of a mismatch when showing deployments, for example. A less overloaded term might be something like "members".
scottcarol commentedon Jun 19, 2019
Thanks @adleong. The k8s docs for Services don't use the word "member" anywhere, but they do use the phrase "Service resources" - would that be easier to understand as the title?:
scottcarol commentedon Jul 18, 2019
Closing for now, building #3105 and #3106 instead. Will revisit Service UI at a later date.