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Source code for, Eric’s personal website.


I intend to write more about how I’ve slowly been building out this site, but here’s a quick overview of the tech stack:

Site Generation


  • S3: Storage for HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • CloudFront: CDN and edge compute
  • CDN and storage for images and videos (referral link)

User Guide

This section is largely for my own reference, but it may be useful to you if you’re trying to understand this codebase.

Running Locally

npm install
npm run dev


The main branch is automatically deployed to Non-content changes that require testing should be done on a branch. Branches will be deployed to ${branch}

Writing Content

Most content should be written in a Markdown file under the www directory.

Frontmatter Properties

  • layout: Standard Eleventy property, for any article use article. For pages, use page.
  • tags: Standard Eleventy property for creating collections. Possible values:
    • article: For any article and blog post
    • development: For articles about software development
    • penumbra: For Penumbra Development Journal entries
  • author: The author identifier, from the authors database
  • title: The title of the article or page
  • subhead: A subhead or alternate title that appears below the title of an article. It is used as the page meta description if present.
  • date: The most recent publication date, in ISO 8601 format
  • history: ⚠️ Not yet implemented, but the idea would be to have an annotated log of significant updates to a page, which would include dates of each publication. RSS, sitemap, and Open Graph metadata could reference the most recent entry and the article itself could include the changelog.
  • image: Photo identifier used only for the preview images on article cards and Open Graph tags
  • teaser: A short description of the article or page used in previews and page metadata. Note that if subhead is present this will be used for the page meta description instead.
  • hero: An object containing the following properties:
    • type: The type of media, either pho or vod
    • id: The identifier of the media
    • alt: For vods only, the alt text for the poster image

Media Management


Photos are hosted on They are not stored in this repository. Before publishing an article with a photo, prepare the photo by following these steps:

  1. Ensure the photo is in your Apple Photos library. Give the photo a title and caption. The caption will be used as the alt text for the photo. Also set the following tags:

    • Tracks if the photo is used on
    • Indicates photo should have a photo page.
    • license:cc-by: CC-BY license.
  2. Export the photo from Apple Photos. Use the following settings:

    • File format: PNG
    • Color Profile: Display P3
    • Size: Full Size
    • Include Title, Keywords, and Caption
    • Include Location Information (optional)
  3. Run this repo in a Codespace, and upload the photo to the photos directory.

  4. Run the photo processing script: npm run photos. This script will:

    • Read the photos from the photos directory.
    • Generate hashes to use as an identifier for each photo.
    • Extract metadata using sharp.
    • Generate multiple renditions of each photo using sharp.
    • Upload the photos to
    • Create a JSON file with the metadata for each photo and uploads it as index.json.
    • Update the repository’s photo database with the new entries.
  5. Retrieve the ids for the photos from the photos database file.

It is up to you to commit the changes to the photos database. If you don’t, the uploaded photos will effectively be orphaned.


Videos are hosted on Use the hls-prep.js script from media-tools to prepare a video for upload.


Any index.js or worker.js file will be turned into ES module bundle by esbuild. The file names will contain a hash in the form of index.<hash>.js and worker.<hash>.js.

To import these files, either from another script or via a <script> tag, reference the file with 8 Xs in place of the hash. For example: index.XXXXXXXX.js.

To ease script inclusion in articles, use the scripts frontmatter property. It can be either a single string or an array of strings. Note that it is not necessary to put hash placeholders in these paths — they will be added automatically.