SIGHCI 2023 Proceedings: When Online Auction Meets Virtual Reality: An Empirical Investigation estigation
Ali auction website historical auction records of houses
Collection requirements:
- Type of subject matter: residential houses
- Location of the subject matter: Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Hefei, Chengdu
- Type of asset: unlimited
- Auction status: terminated (main), suspended, withdrawn
- date: January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022
Crawl the specific content (including listpage and corresponding detail page) of the subject matter. First, modify line 347 of to set crawler_list = True to collect listpage (need to slice), then set crawler_list = False for detail page collection. The second process takes a long time.
This part gets the listpage.csv, source.csv and html local files.
Run the parsing code to clean the fields based on source.csv and then get the parsed data. After all the pages are collected, modify the last line of the to change the parameter of run to the path of the existing source.csv, for parsing and normalization.
This part gets the std_city_final.csv file.
After all the fields are parsed and standardized, run to download attachments to local.