This is an algorithm learning work when I learn books the Introduction to Algorithms
- Chapter 2, I implements some sort algorithms,like insertion sort and merge sort, bubble sort. I also implements some algorithms for exercise, like AddendsFinder and InversionPair
- Chapter 3, Some basics about algorithm analysis
- Chapter 4, Recursion analysis, the Master Theorem is really useful
- Chpater 5, probabilistic analysis and randomized algorithm, I implement the Hire-Asistent(in com.algorithm.random). In the chapter, the indicator random variable is a nice way to do probablilistic anaylysis
- Chapter 6, the famous heap sort and priority queue. I implemented the heap sort, max priority queue, Young Matrix, and DWayHeap
- Chapter 7, the Quick Sort. I made use of two way to implements the quick sort: Hoare Method and the N.Lomuto method. I also implemented the fuzzy sort for the sort of intervals
- Chapter 8, the linear time sort, count sort, radix sort, and the bucket sort
Java, which is a good tool to do algorithm job