docker containerized api-axle w nodejs, redis
api-axle is available at
This image is an all in one redis, nodejs, apiaxle image, all run by supervisord.
This images should be available at the public docker index as lapax/apiaxle.
docker run -d --name apigateway lapax/apiaxle
Instead of looking for alternatives, my dev containers just used sshd to provide shell access. ssh to a container was always a hack-job I thought, others think the same and have documented a more docker idiomatic way (see
This container now assumes you will use nsenter .. either compile your own nsenter or use jpetazzo's docker compiled nsenter (
and use nsenter to enter into the container
# run on docker host
PID=$(docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} apigateway)
# use the pid to enter the namespace
sudo nsenter --target $PID --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid
docker run -t -i --name apigateway lapax/apiaxle /bin/bash
# once in the shell run
which will start the redis service and the api-proxy service and get you back to the command line.
To quickly test if the supervisord runs the services, you can always run superisord with a -n flag which will run it in foreground mode
Once supervisord and the related services are running, you can detach from the container by issuing a ^p^q which will detach the tty from the container.
You can reattach to the container again with docker attach 'container id or name'
Once logged in and the services are started, you can start playing around with it as documented by the apiaxle folks at
Try the apiaxle command
This image is for development purposes.. For production purposes, the services can be split out and a front-end load-balancer added, all running via linked docker containers..