Code for reproducible research - "Efficient Identification of Butterfly Sparse Matrix Factorization"
In the interest of reproducible research, we provide code to reproduce experiments in "Efficient Identification of Butterfly Sparse Matrix Factorization" (Léon Zheng, Elisa Riccietti, Rémi Gribonval). The hierarchical algorithm to approximate any matrix by a product of butterfly factors is also implemented in the FAµST 3.25 toolbox.
Install the requirements and the source code with the following commands:
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
To compare the running time of the hierarchical factorization algorithm, run:
export USE_PROPACK=1
python --min_num_factors 2 --max_num_factors 15 --repeat 3 --results_path ./results/benchmark_hierarchical.csv
To measure the running time of different SVD solvers from Scipy 1.8.0, run:
export USE_PROPACK=1
python --matrix_type rectangle --repeat 10 --min_J 2 --max_J 8 --results_path ./results/benchmark_svd_rectangle.csv
python --matrix_type square --repeat 10 --min_J 2 --max_J 8 --results_path ./results/benchmark_svd_square.csv
To measure the running time of matrix-vector multiplication from Numpy, run:
export USE_PROPACK=1
python --min_J 2 --max_J 15 --repeat_matrix 10 --repeat_vector 30 --results_path ./results/benchmark_matrix_multiplication.csv
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