Code to reproduce experiments in "Fast learning of fast transforms, with guarantees" (Quoc-Tung Le, Léon Zheng, Elisa Riccietti, Rémi Gribonval). Article is available at: In the interest of reproducible research, this is exactly the version of the code used to generate the figures in the article, which has also been archived at:
Run the following command line to install the source code:
pip install -e .
To get an approximation of the Hadamard matrix as a product of butterfly factors using our hierarchical factorization method, run the following command:
python scripts/ \
--num_factors 4 \
--matrix hadamard \
--tree balanced \
--results_path ./results.pkl
The script outputs the factorization time, and the approximation error measured as the distance (in Frobenius norm) between the target matrix and the computed approximation which involves a product of butterfly factors.
To reproduce experiments of the paper, run the scripts in the scripts/
folder. A description of these scripts is
given below. Examples on how to reproduce the figures of the paper are provided in the Jupyter notebook plot_figures.ipynb
Source code in src/
Python scripts are in scripts/
In src/
: implementation of the hierarchical matrix factorization
: implementation of iterative gradient-based factorization
: implementation of a tree for hierarchical matrix factorization described by a
: helper methods for experiments
In scripts/
: experiment to run the hierarchical matrix factorization method on a given (noisy) target
: experiment to compare balanced hierarchical matrix factorization and unbalanced hierarchical matrix factorization, in terms of approximation error and computation time. The comparison is repeated over several sampling of the noisy matrix. Use this script to reproduce Figure 4 in the
: experiment to compare hierarchical factorization method and iterative gradient-based method, in terms of approximation error and computation time. The comparison is repeated over several sampling of the noisy matrix. Use this script to reproduce Figure 3 in the
: experiment to compare running time and approximation error between gradient based method and hierarchical factorization. Use this script to reproduce Figure 2 in the paper.
Auxiliary source files and scripts are archived in archive
The data/
folder contains the MEG matrix in .npz
format (use numpy to load the matrix).
We refers to the following paper for detailed explanation of BP model: