Created by Oscar Otero
GNU Affero GPL version 3.
Gettext is a PHP library to import/export/edit gettext from PO, MO, PHP, JS files, etc.
- Written in php 5.3
- Extensible with plugins
Contains the following classes:
- Gettext\Translation - Contains a translation definition
- Gettext\Entries - A translations collection
- Gettext\Translator - A gettext implementation for PHP
The extrators are classes that extract the gettext values from any source and return a Gettext\Entries instance with them.
- Gettext\Extractors\PhpCode - Scan a php file looking for all gettext functions to collect their strings
- Gettext\Extractors\JsCode - Scan a javascript file looking for all gettext functions to collect their strings
- Gettext\Extractors\PhpArray - Gets the strings from a php file that returns an array of values (complement of PhpArray generator)
- Gettext\Extractors\Po - Gets the strings from PO files
- Gettext\Extractors\Mo - Gets the strings from MO files
Generators take a Gettext\Entries instance and export the data in any of the following format.
- Gettext\Generators\Mo - Generate a Mo file
- Gettext\Generators\Po - Generate a Po file
- Gettext\Generators\Jed - Generate a json file compatible with Jed library
- Gettext\Generators\PhpArray - Generate a Php file that returns an array with all values
First, lets scan a Po file:
//Include the autoloader if you don't use composer or PSR-0 loader
use Gettext\Extractors\Po as PoExtractor;
$translations = PoExtractor::extract('my-file.po');
Now, we can edit some translations:
$translation = $translations->find(null, 'apples');
if ($translation) {
And export to a php file and a json file for use with Jed library (
use Gettext\Generators\PhpArray as PhpArrayGenerator;
use Gettext\Generators\Jed as JedGenerator;
PhpArrayGenerator::generateFile($translations, 'locate.php');
JedGenerator::generateFile($translations, 'locate.json');
Now we can use this translations into our code:
use Gettext\Translator;
$t = new Translator();
echo $t->gettext('apples'); //Returns Mazás
You can use the translator functions, a short version of Gettext\Translator for more confort:
//First set the translator instance as current translator:
echo __('apples'); //Returns Mazás
__e('apples'); //echo Mazás
And you can use the same translations in javascript with the Jed library (
$.getJSON('locate.json', function (locale) {
i18n = new Jed({
locale_data: locale
alert(i18n.gettext('apples')); //alerts "Mazás"
- oscarotero (Creator and maintainer)
- esnoeijs (Contributed with the plural parser)
- Working with domains