The following repository contains Leap Motion SDK examples built with Javascript. Each project is built using V1 Core Services Tracking code from Leap Motion's Developer Portal. For additional support with these examples and more, feel free to reach out to us via: Leap Motion's Community Forums
##V1: LeapJS Production API
<script src="//"></script>
##Getting Started Sorry, at this time, V1 Examples are only available on our Leap Motion V1 Examples Gallery
- Each Javascript project example folder has a short README
- Leap Motion API Docs (Javascript)
- LeapJS Getting Started
- Make a fork, name your branch, add your addition or fix.
- Add your name, email, and github account to the CONTRIBUTORS.txt list, thereby agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Contributor License Agreement.
- Open a Pull Request. If your information is not in the CONTRIBUTORS file, your pull request will not be reviewed.