A styled-components grid system.
- It's not rocket science
- It works
- It will force you to manage the responsiveness of your website/application. So no more random padding on your website when used on a tablet.
You can find instructions and examples on the documentation website.
Or, if you want to see an example right away, look below ⬇️
export const App = () => {
const ROW_PADDING = {
mobile: 0.5,
tabletPortrait: 0.5,
tabletLandscape: 0.5,
desktop: 0.5
return (
<Row paddingLeft={ROW_PADDING} paddingRight={ROW_PADDING}>
mobile: 12,
tabletPortrait: 12,
tabletLandscape: 12,
desktop: 12
To test the package we suggest using the yalc](https://www.npmjs.com/package/yalc) package.
Here's a useful command to build and update your local build:
yarn build && yalc push
- 2018 PyCon Italia