More documentation to come however the Invocation section should include enough to get you going. You're going to need at least docker docker-compose and git installed on whatever host OS you wish to use.
This will get you a running copy of the lbrynet-daemon running inside of a docker container with default settings.
git clone
cd ./lbry-docker/lbrynet/
docker-compose up -d
To list containers on the host execute docker ps -a
then run docker exec CONTAINERNAME lbrynet-cli commands
This directory is in case we need to expand the functionality of this container at some point in the future.
There's really no configuration required to launch this just launch it. However your blockchain data and other things are currently located in the applications home Directory here's a link to the Documentation for useful directories with lbrynet-daemon
daemon_settings.yml is on its way and it will be configurable soon via env-vars with docker-compose.yml