Pantry Chef is a recipe search app that lets user search by ingredients user has at home. User can find thousands of recipes that user can cook now and also save as a favorite recipes.
| Demo | | Module Detail | | Technologies | | Getting Started |
*Our project management / ticketing system :
- Users are able to sign up to create a profile or sign into an existing profile from a sign in modal. User emails are validated in this modal with native HTML email validation.
- Upon signing in, user information populates all aspects of the app. Users are then able to access their favorited recipes and pantry items, which persist across login sessions.
- Display the main homepage image that gets changed everytime the user enters.
- List out the Recommend Recipes for the guest and provide the sort options such as the most popular, price:high-low, price:low-high.
- For the favorite View, display the Favorited Recipes list for the logged-in user.
- Reusable Recipe Tile component used in different components throughout the app, also dynamic in size and information based on platform (desktop/mobile).
- Solo Recipe View with more detailed information of a specific recipe, including a dynamic ingredient list that shows the user which ingredients they currently have in their pantry based on the user's input.
- Liking and Favoriting functionality in both tiles and full recipe view which persist through user logins.
To run the app on your local machine: