A mix of 'wyattjsmith1/weather.nvim' and 'ellisonleao/weather.nvim'
A simple plugin to display weather in nvim.
lualine integration
nvim-notify integration
The usual ways. Packer below:
use {
requires = {
require'wttr'.setup {
-- your options
A full configuration is listed below:
opts = {
location = "London", -- If not provided then location will be found by your IP
format = 1 -- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
custom_format = "" -- If present then overwrites default above format
starts a sheduler with periodic calls to wttr.in
. Response is
extracted and saved in 'text' field. Use this filed in lualine to display current
Integration with lualine
can integrate easily with lualine
. To do so, you will need to use
'text' field in lualine:
require('lualine').setup {
sections = {
lualine_x = { "require'wttr'.text" }
Call WeatherForecast
to get weather forecast for next few days