I am currently a Senior Scientist at BAE System Inc. I hold a PhD in Computer Science with a emphasis in Computational Science & Engineering and Bachelor of Science of Mechanical Engineering from Boise State University. My current interest is in developing useful and interesting tools coupled with AI agents.
class AL:
def __init__(self):
self.name = Miu Lun (Andy) Lau
self.age = 28
self.eduction = ['BS - Mechanical Engineering', 'PhD Computational Science & Engineering']
def projects(self):
self.projects['Spectral Analysis through Machine Learning'] = ['EXAFS','Nano-Indentation', 'XPS']
self.projects['Intelligence Object Design using Genetic Algorithms'] = ['Thermoelectric', 'Heat Exchanger']
self.projects['Machine Learning'] = ['Material properties predictions','Material design']
self.projects['Deep Learning'] = ['GPT', 'LSTM', 'LVM', 'CNN', 'GAN']