GpgTools v1.4.04.0 (20221104) / Version for/für Gpg4Win 4.xx.x
GpgTools v1.3.25.1 (20221104) / Version for/für Gpg4Win 3.xx.x ist hier verfügbar
(DE): DIESE RELEASE ERSETZT DAS GNUPG-BACKEND VON GPG4WIN 4.XX.X DURCH GNUPG 2.2.XX, UM DEN VS-NFD-MODUS (BSI "de-vs"-Modus) ZU AKTIVIEREN, WEIL GNUPG 2.3.XX BIS JETZT NICHT VS-NFD-KONFORM IST (andernfalls würde sich "Kleopatra" beim Selbsttest über eine nicht konforme Version im Backend beschweren).
(EN): THIS RELEASE REPLACES THE GNUPG BACKEND OF GPG4WIN 4.XX.X TO GNUPG 2.2.XX IN ORDER TO ENABLE THE VS-NFD-MODE (BSI "de-vs" mode) BECAUSE GNUPG 2.3.XX IS NOT VS-NFD COMPILANT UNTIL NOW (otherwise "Kleopatra" would complain about a non-conforming version in the backend during the self-test.)
- Bump version to /
- Added "gpg.exe" version-check in order to support different backends in dependency of "Gpg4Win".
- Added english "BSI SecOPs" files for documentation.
- Updated OpenSSL to openssl-1.1.1s and zlib to zlib-1.2.13.
- We have now support for Gpg4Win 4.0.x.
- With GpgTools 1.4.04.x it is now possible to install also a hardened "de-vs" conformant" VS-NfD"-configuration (like GpgTools 1.3.xx.x for Gpg4Win 3.1.xx) for Gpg4Win 4.0.x by replacing the GnuPG-backend with the latest GnuPG 2.2.xx version (no warnings by kleopatra about a non VS-NfD-conformant GnuPG-version anymore).