OPL3 emulator usable as a CLI tool or as a library.
Ported from Yamaha YMF262 (OPL3) Emulator by Robson Cozendey.
Install OPL3 emulator as npm install -g opl3
OPL3 emulator v0.3.3
Usage: opl3 <input file> [OPTIONS]
--mp3 Export to MP3
--wav Export to WAV
--ogg Export to OGG
--mid Export to MIDI
--laa Use LAA format
--mus Use MUS format
--dro Use DRO format
--imf Use IMF format
--raw Use RAW format
-h, --help You read that just now
-n, --normalize PCM audio normalization (default on, turn off with -n0)
-p, --play Play after processing
-o, --output Output directory
opl3 ./laa/dott_logo.laa --mp3 dott_logo.mp3 --wav dott_logo.wav --ogg dott_logo.ogg
Copyright (c) 2016 IDDQD@doom.js
Accepts glob patterns as input file, like opl3 **/*.mus
Use OPL3 and a format handler (like LAA) to process:
var fs = require('fs');
var OPL3 = require('opl3').OPL3;
var LAA = require('opl3').format.LAA;
var Player = require('opl3').Player;
var WAV = require('opl3').WAV;
var player = new Player(LAA);
player.load(fs.readFileSync('./laa/dott logo.laa'), function(err, result){
if (err) return console.log(err);
fs.writeFileSync('./dott.wav', new Buffer(WAV(result, 49700)));
}, function(msg){
// msg format:
// { cmd: 'position', samples: 0 /* bytes */, duration: 0 /* seconds */ }
// { cmd: 'progress', value: 100 /* percent */ }
// { cmd: 'end' }
- LAA: LucasArts music
- MUS: Doom music
- IMF: Id Music Format
- RAW: Rdos Raw OPL Capture
- WAV: PCM audio WAVE
- MP3: using node-lame
- OGG: using node-vorbis and node-ogg
- MIDI: currently only supported by MUS file format handler
- Audio playback: using node-speaker
By default the command line utility uses peak normalization on the PCM audio result buffer. To turn off this feature, please use -n0
To enable normalization in the Player interface, instantiate the player like:
var player = new Player(LAA, { normalization: true });