Error cherry-picking PR #4205 into release-v4.3:
Auto-merging pkg/apply/processor/install.go
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in pkg/apply/processor/install.go
Auto-merging pkg/types/v1beta1/cluster_args.go
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in pkg/types/v1beta1/cluster_args.go
error: could not apply 286c181... refactor(main): unmount override container (#4161) (#4205)
hint: After resolving the conflicts, mark them with
hint: "git add/rm ", then run
hint: "git cherry-pick --continue".
hint: You can instead skip this commit with "git cherry-pick --skip".
hint: To abort and get back to the state before "git cherry-pick",
hint: run "git cherry-pick --abort".